Middle School Overview (Schedule, Recipes, etc..)
This file is provided as a resource for Church School directors. Feel free to plug in your own dates and your own teachers.
Schedule of Classes:
Date |
Teacher |
Lesson/Activity |
Special Notes |
September 13 20 27 |
Creation Adam & Eve/The Fall Noah |
October 3 4 11 17 18 25 |
Movie Night: Noah Tower of Babel Abraham Movie Night: Abraham Isaac Jacob |
Outdoors if possible
Social Hall after Vespers
November 1 8 15 21 22 29 |
Joseph #1 Joseph #2 Moses #1 Movie Night: Moses Moses #2 Balaam |
All Saint’s Party
Social Hall after Vespers Memory: 10 Commandments |
December 5 6 13 20 27 |
St. Nicholas Party Joshua Judges/Gideon Nativity Pageant Job |
Parish Wide
Social Hall and Nsg. Home
January 3 10 17 24 30 31 |
Ruth Samuel/Hannah Saul David/Goliath/Psalms Movie Night: David David |
3 Kings Party following
Memory work: Psalm 22 Social Hall after Vespers
February 7 14 21 27 28 |
Solomon Proverbs/Song of Songs Elijah Movie Night: Elijah Elisha |
Pack School Kits
Social Hall after Vespers |
March 7 14 21 28 |
Jonah Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel |
April 4 5 11 18 25 |
PASCHA Bright Monday Egg Hunt 3 Young Men in Fire Tobit Daniel |
No Class After Liturgy
Pack Health Kits
May 1 2 9 16 23 30 |
Movie Night: Esther Esther Minor Prophets No lesson: Camping Trip Minor Prophets Ezra/Nehemiah |
Social Hall after Vespers
Memory Work: Books of O.T.
Book Collection |
June 6 12 13 |
Maccabees Dress Rehearsal Closing exercises/play |
Book Collection Social Hall after Vespers Social Hall and Nursing Home |
Classroom supplies: I am quite aware that most of you do not like crafts, but the children and parents have lobbied to include crafts; indeed most 11-12-year-olds love crafts. So…Each week there will be a small craft but it is critical to do each craft because at the end of the year, each student will have completed his own Jesse Tree, which his family can use every year during Advent. A Jesse Tree includes small objects symbolizing the Old Testament characters who were forefathers of Jesus (either genetic or spiritual). The crafts were chosen for the theme, but also to give the students a chance to see various mediums – clay, fabric, pipe cleaners, etc. The box will contain markers, tape, scissors, glue, and staples, in addition to your usual pencils, paper, and huge pad of paper to serve as a “blackboard”. Each student should have his own Bible and should either leave it on the shelf or bring it each week. Note that if you are using the Orthodox Study Bible, the Scripture references are different from those of the Protestant or Roman Catholic Bible. References in the curriculum are listed with both the Orthodox Study Bible books (from the Septuagint) and the Protestant Bible books. These will only affect the books of I and II Samuel, now called I and II Kingdoms, and I and II Kings, now called 3 and 4 Kingdoms.