Nativity of our Lord



Finally, the Nativity of Christ! There is so much to do!

Home Activities:

  • Be sure to decorate the icon of the feast for your icon corner.
  • There are also puzzles and a diorama to color and cut out.
  • Decorate the tree with ornaments and paper chains.
  • Hang your stained glass icon in the window.
  • Have a birthday cake for Jesus.
  • Review the Christmas greeting, “Christ is born!” and the response, “Glorify Him!”
  • Sing the Troparion: “Thy Nativity”. 
  • You can make crèche scenes out of the strangest things at home – pine cone people, toilet paper tube people, spoon people, etc. Be sure to have a crèche at home to review the story; before Christmas, Mary and Joseph can slowly move around the room toward the stable.

Prayer: Lord, may you come in our hearts as you came on earth as a little child.




The concept of 12 days of Christmas dates back to approximately 350 A.D. when December 25th was proclaimed the date to celebrate Jesus’ birth.  The first recorded reference to the twelve days of Christmas was noted in the year 567 A.D. when the Council of Tours declared that the 12 days between Christmas and Theophany were to be a festive period.   


The song “The 12 Days of Christmas” has its origin in the 16th century and was written in England as a creative means to teach children about their faith during a time when expressing beliefs outside the Church of England was forbidden.  The generous benefactor referred to in the song is God, our Heavenly Father.  Each of his gifts has religious significance.