High School Overview (Schedule, Recipes, etc..)
This file is provided as a resource for Church School directors. Feel free to plug in your own dates and your own teachers.
Schedule of Classes:
Date |
Teacher |
Lesson/Activity |
Special Notes |
September 13 20 27 |
Creation Adam & Eve/The Fall Noah |
October 3 4 11 17 18 25 |
Movie Night: Noah Tower of Babel Abraham Movie Night: Abraham Isaac Jacob |
Outdoors if possible
Social Hall after Vespers
November 1 8 15 21 22 29 |
Joseph #1 Joseph #2 Moses #1 Movie Night: Moses Moses #2 Balaam |
All Saint’s Party
Social Hall after Vespers Memory: 10 Commandments |
December 5 6 13 20 27 |
St. Nicholas Party Joshua Judges/Gideon Nativity Pageant Job |
Parish Wide
Social Hall and Nsg. Home
January 3 10 17 24 30 31 |
Ruth Samuel/Hannah Saul David/Goliath/Psalms Movie Night: David David |
3 Kings Party following
Memory work: Psalm 22 Social Hall after Vespers
February 7 14 21 27 28 |
Solomon Proverbs/Song of Songs Elijah Movie Night: Elijah Elisha |
Pack School Kits
Social Hall after Vespers |
March 7 14 21 28 |
Jonah Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel |
April 4 5 11 18 25 |
PASCHA Bright Monday Egg Hunt 3 Young Men in Fire Tobit Daniel |
No Class After Liturgy
Pack Health Kits
May 1 2 9 16 23 30 |
Movie Night: Esther Esther Minor Prophets No lesson: Camping Trip Minor Prophets Ezra/Nehemiah |
Social Hall after Vespers
Memory Work: Books of O.T.
Book Collection |
June 6 12 13 |
Maccabees Dress Rehearsal Closing exercises/play |
Book Collection Social Hall after Vespers Social Hall and Nursing Home |
Classroom supplies: The teen class has a box with each of the students’ Bibles, pencils, paper, sharpener, etc. Note that if you are using the Orthodox Study Bible, the Scripture references are different from those of the Protestant or Roman Catholic Bible. References in the curriculum are listed with both the Orthodox Study Bible books (from the Septuagint) and the Protestant Bible books. These will only affect the books of I and II Samuel, now called I and II Kingdoms, and I and II Kings, now called 3 and 4 Kingdoms.There is also a huge pad of paper with magic markers to use in the place of a chalkboard. There is also a Bible atlas for reference as well as a timeline of Bible times and also placing them in the context of world history.
Teaching Schedule: We all know that there will be last-minute needs; trade with someone if you cannot teach on your assigned day and let the director know!
Paperwork: Each of us must “apply” each year for our volunteer position of teacher. There’ll be a form to fill out at the annual parish meeting for new teachers or just to sign for returning ones.
Opening Exercises: Teens do not need to attend opening exercises. They should go to their class space with their teacher after a brief snack in the Social Hall.
Curriculum: Each lesson will have the relevant Scripture passages for factual content (hopefully review of already known material) with a suggestion for how to attack the material. While it would be wonderful to expect the teens to have read the material ahead of time, it doesn’t happen. On the other hand, reading aloud in class is “boring”-- hence the somewhat devious methods of attacking the material to force a careful reading in the opening minutes of class without putting anyone to sleep. References to services will be included, not just where the passage is read (There are too many of these to enumerate, and what’s the point, you can read the calendar.) but where it is drawn on in the songs or symbolism of the Church. While this may seem long and arduous, I have actually typed the entire reference rather than having the class look it up in the service books, which would be even more long and arduous. And, finally, some discussion material to bring the rather ancient, dusty characters into modern life. As you all know, with teens this can be dicey. One week they’ll discuss their hearts out and the next you’ll have a class full of sleeping logs. So use what works and ignore the rest!
Movie Nights and Parties: We will have pizza after vespers on Saturday night while showing a small children’s movie. Older children and teens should bring a sleeping bag for a lock-in with “feature” presentation; we must have at least 2 adults at each overnight.
Icons: Each lesson is now illustrated with an icon, gleaned from non-copyrighted websites on the Internet. Feel free to enlarge these and use to amplify your lesson.