Nazareth and Trip to Jerusalem



  1. Students should identify Nazareth as the childhood home of Jesus.
  2. Students should know that Joseph was a carpenter, and so was Jesus.
  3. Students should be able to relate the story of the trip to Jerusalem and Jesus talking with the elders in the Temple.


Possible Lesson Plan:

  1. Open with prayer.


  1. Scripture reading: Luke 2:40-52. Why did the family come back from Egypt? Why did they settle in Nazareth instead of returning to Bethlehem?


  1. Historical background: It is important to recognize and understand the roles of the various religious places and groups if one is to understand both the trip to Jerusalem and Jesus’s later ministry. See if the students already know any of these important people and places and help them to understand them better:

Temple: There was only one temple, in Jerusalem. There was the Ark of the Covenant and sacrifices were offered. People who lived far away would try to make a pilgrimage to the Temple at least once in their lives.

Synagogue: Each town had its synagogue, where on Sabbath the people came to listen to the Scriptures being read.  The synagogue was also the local school. But no sacrifices could be offered here; there were no priests.

Priest: Priests, descendants of Aaron (Remember the story of the rod that budded?), offered sacrifices in the Temple. The High Priest entered the Holy of Holies once a year to sacrifice for all the people.

Levites: One of the twelve tribes of Israel (Remember the brothers of Joseph; one was Levi). Instead of receiving land, the Levites served in the Temple with the priests.

Sanhedrin: The Jewish Supreme Court, composed of the high priest, all previous high priests, all the heads of the tribes and heads of the political parties – 71 in all.

Rabbi: A local teacher who served to read and explain the Scriptures.

Scribe: Those who copied the Scriptures as the scrolls wore out and set down rules for every occasion from the books of the law.

Pharisee: Synagogue leaders who carefully studied and obeyed the Law.

Sadducees: Rich landowners who supported the Roman rulers and were not interested in changing the government.

Zealots: Rebels who hated the Romans and thought the Messiah would come as a fierce warrior king to oust the Romans and return Israel to the Jews.

Gentiles: All the people in the world who are not Jewish.


  1. Play a learning game: Pictionary. Write the words defined above on pieces of paper. Have the first player choose a word and draw it, with the rest of the class guessing the identity. Play then passes to the next student until all words are identified.



  1. Make a scroll, like the one Jesus might have used as a boy. Use a pencil or a small dowel for each end and glue or tape on the piece of paper. Have each student make several – then have each student suggest a question to be written on each set of scrolls. Put all the scrolls for the student in a tin can, covered with paper. Write “Unroll a Scroll” on the paper. Have the students take the scrolls home. Can they answer all the questions? Can their brothers and sisters?










6. Another craft option: Make a mezuzah -- “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One” The mezuzah has this very Scripture inside, and is mounted on the doorpost of each Jewish home, to be touched and recited each time one enters or leaves. The mezuzah would surely have been on the home of Jesus in Nazareth. You can mount it by the door of your home also. First write the scripture on a tiny piece of paper and roll into a scroll, or print the one provided.

You will need:
-    Matchbox (empty, obviously)
-    Masking tape
-    Craft (aka popsicle) stick (plain or color)
-    Tissue paper (more than one color) cut into 10-15 one-inch squares
-    White glue or Mod Podge
-    Small paintbrush
1. Tape the stick to the back of the matchbox lengthwise. Don't tape the box shut. Put the scroll inside.
2. Brush thin layer of glue on matchbox—including over the tape.
3. Press individual layers of the tissue squares on box (except the open ends). Keep brushing glue and pressing layers until it looks gorgeous.


Another craft options if the first seems too much like school and the 2nd too messy? Print the background and figures of people of Nazareth doing traditional activities on cardstock and cut out the people, folding back the bottom colored rectangle. Fold the scenery up at the marked line and cut slits where the colored lines are. Using the color coding, stick the bottom of the house and each figures thru the slit and tape underneath. It will stand up like a diorama. Don’t worry about the two figures on the scenery section; they will look fine and stand out from the background when slid into their slits. Every Jewish boy had to be trained in an occupation of some sort. See if you can find the carpenter (Who was a carpenter), fishermen, priest, soldier, baker, tentmaker, farmer, shepherd, potter, and blacksmith.

7.  Close with prayer.