Revelation: Alpha and Omega



Scripture Reference (Revelation 1:8): “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “Who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”



  1. Students should memorize the verse.
  2. Students should understand the meaning of the Alpha and Omega seen in the central dome of most Orthodox Churches.
  3. Students should understand the meaning and significance of “Pantokrator.”


Background of the book:       

The Revelation was written by St. John the Apostle while in exile on the island of Patmos (a small, rocky island about 40 miles off the coast of Turkey to which the Romans exiled criminals) during the fierce persecution of the Emperor Diocletian around AD 95. The early Church believed that the second coming of Jesus Christ was near, especially in these times of persecution. John is reminding them to hold fast their faith in tribulation and assuring them of the ultimate triumph of the Kingdom of God. While chapters 2 and 3 are clearly letters written to individual churches of the day, much of the book is prophetic and is full of vivid and sensational imagery. Because this book can be so easily misinterpreted (and has been in Church history), it is the only book not read publicly in the services of the Orthodox Church.


Possible Lesson Plan:

  1. Open with prayer.


  1. Review the background of the book. Read the entire context of this verse, Revelation 1:8-20. What was John doing? (He was praying on Sunday,maybe at Liturgy?) What happened? Read Isaiah 6:1-8. What would have happened if these men had not obeyed God?


  1. Why is Jesus called the Alpha and Omega? Review the Greek Alphabet. In what way is saying Alpha and Omega the same as saying Beginning and End? In what way is Jesus the Beginning? The End? Reread John 1: 1-3. Who is the Word? In case the church had any doubt, in these verses how did Jesus identify Himself with God the Father? See verses 13-16. In which Feast did Jesus also appear with brilliant white garments? (Transfiguration) Reread Matthew 17:1-9. Was John present at Transfiguration? What is the meaning of the seven golden lampstands? (Remember the great Menorah of the Temple) In what way is Jesus also identifying Himself as the Messiah, the Promised One of the Jews? His use of the Greek word, “Pantokrator,” meaning “Almighty”, is especially important here; in the Old Testament, this same word is used throughout to refer to Yahweh. Using it here has what significance? Reread verse 18: in which Feast do we celebrate He who was alive, then dead, then alive again? Look at the icon: Jesus is portrayed breaking the power of Death. How? Why would this verse adorn the center of most Orthodox churches?