James: Doers of the Word
JAMES 1:22
Scripture verse: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only…”
- Students should memorize the verse and understand its content and context.
- Students should identify at least one area in their own lives where they need to become a “doer” and make plans to act on that knowledge.
Background on the book:
This book was written by James, brother of Joses, Simon, and Jude and son of Joseph, Jesus’s earthly father. He did not believe that Jesus was the Savior until after the resurrection, but later became bishop of Jerusalem and presided over the first council. He was known by his countrymen as “James the Just”. While he supported Paul in his work with the Gentiles, James, himself, was a devout Jew and worked mainly with the Jewish church. James wrote this letter to Jewish believers scattered over the world probably around AD 55-60. Later, shortly before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army, James was tortured and martyred by the Sanhedrin.
Possible Lesson Plan:
1. Open with prayer.
2. Review the background of the Epistle. Who wrote it? To whom?
3. Scripture lesson: Give each student a chapter to read and summarize for the class, with special attention to the major topic. Too few students? The teacher can summarize the shorter chapters.
· James 1: Prescription for Trials and Temptations – Does God promise us a life without trials? What sorts of trials have you faced? Your family? Have you ever found yourself in doubt? What happened to “Doubting Thomas”? By what are we tempted? By what are YOU tempted? Does God tempt us? What prescription does James give for dealing with trials and temptations?
· James 2: Famous verse, “faith without works is dead” – What does this mean? How do we SHOW our faith? Review Abraham and Isaac…how did Abraham show his faith?
· James 3: The famous TONGUE chapter – What does James say about the tongue? In what ways can we hurt with the tongue? From where comes the wisdom that CAN control the tongue?
· James 4: Judgment and humility – How does James say we can defeat the devil? Who is our judge? Who controls the future?
· James 5: The healing chapter – What do we do when we are sick? At what sacrament is this Scripture quoted? (unction)
4. Scripture verse: James 1:22-25.
5. Discussion questions:
Have you read something in the Scriptures that really challenged you? Is
there something you need to “do” (or stop doing)? What is it? Have you done anything about it yet? Write it down on a scrap of paper and tell the Lord that you want to do something about it and you need His help.
Are teens too young to have a meaningful ministry? What is the biggest obstacle standing in the way of teens helping others in the name of Jesus Christ? Will teens only serve for money? Do we become more like Jesus as we serve others in His name?
What is the Social Gospel? (a desire of Christians to proclaim their love of Christ through their actions) Are there specific needs in our community? Bring several newspapers to class and have class members scan them for needs. Select 2-3 to discuss. How could we meet this need? What are alternative solutions or resources available? Which is most practical? How could we do this specifically? What is the biggest obstacle to our helping others in this specific way? Some specifics might be going on a mission to a Third World country, working in an inner-city day-care center, visiting a nursing home every Sunday afternoon, organizing a yard sale to raise money for the homeless, serving food to the hungry, doing yard work for shut-ins, planning a party for handicapped teens, etc. See what you come up with. Then see if you can put the plan into action.
Think again about faith and works…
6. Close with prayer.