- Students should understand the icon and its characters and be able to tell the story of the Ascension.
- Students should know that Ascension occurs 40 days after Pascha.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Review the icon, seeing how much they already know: Christ is the central figure, clothed in white (Why?) and bestowing a blessing on the world with hands outstretched, the Theotokos just below Christ, the disciples (including whom as a replacement for Judas? Matthias) Are they in the city or the countryside?
- Scripture References: Mark 16:15-19, Matthew 28:16-end, Acts 1: 1-12
- Discussion questions:
What were Jesus’s promises on Ascension? (there are 3: to send the Spirit, to be with them always, and to return in glory) What did He tell his disciples to do? Where did the Ascension occur? (on the Mount of Olives, near Bethany) In what way is the Ascension the crowning of the Paschal mystery? Which of the apostles pictured in the icon could not possibly have been there? (St. Paul) Why? (He was converted on the road to Damascus, much later.) Why is he pictured in the icon? (He was a witness to the resurrection just like the others since Jesus Himself appeared to Saul.)
Where does Jesus sit now? (at the right hand of the Father) Where is that? (the point here is that it is not an earthly place; thus the angels asked the bewildered disciples why they were looking at the sky) A cloud came and removed Jesus from the sight of His disciples; where else do we see a cloud with a divine appearance? (Red Sea, Mt. Sinai and the 10 Commandments, Mary at the Annunciation, Transfiguration) What did the apostles do between Ascension and Pentecost? (wait!!!) Compare and contrast Ascension and Transfiguration.
- Play a learning game: Outguesser. Give each student a piece of paper and pencil. Have them make 2 columns – People Present and Countries of the World. Give them a set time to list as many in each column as possible. When time is up, the student with the most correct answers is the winner.
- Make the Great Commission Plates. Bring in a globe. On one side of a paper plate have the students draw the world, continents and oceans, with blue and tan crayons. Copy the icon and have the students color it. Cut it out in round shape and glue to the other side of the plate. Print with black marker, “Go Ye,” on the side with the world, and the other already says Ascension. Remind the students that Jesus gave us the Great Commission at His Ascension. What is the Great Commission? “Go ye, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations…” Punch a hole in the plate and hang it with a string so it will spin around.
- Alternate craft idea. Print icon of Ascension on heavy paper or cardstock. Have students color it. Then cut it apart from behind as a puzzle. Can each put together the other’s puzzle.
8. Sing the song “Spread the Good News”:
Jump to the left and jump to the right (jump left, jump right)
And sing to the Lord with all of your might! (song directing, strong arms)
Raise your hands and wave them in the air (raise hands, wave around)
And spread the Good News everywhere! (lower hands in a circle)
9. Close with prayer.