Ages 10-12 Overview (Schedule, Recipes, etc..)
AGES 10-12
This file is provided as a resource for Church School directors. Feel free to plug in your own dates and your own teachers.
Schedule of Classes:
Date |
Teacher |
Lesson/Activity |
Special Notes |
September 13 20 27 |
Creation Adam & Eve/The Fall Noah |
October 3 4 11 17 18 25 |
Movie Night: Noah Tower of Babel Abraham Movie Night: Abraham Isaac Jacob |
Outdoors if possible
Social Hall after Vespers
November 1 8 15 21 22 29 |
Joseph #1 Joseph #2 Moses #1 Movie Night: Moses Moses #2 Balaam |
All Saint’s Party
Social Hall after Vespers Memory: 10 Commandments |
December 5 6 13 20 27 |
St. Nicholas Party Joshua Judges/Gideon Nativity Pageant Job |
Parish Wide
Social Hall and Nsg. Home
January 3 10 17 24 30 31 |
Ruth Samuel/Hannah Saul David/Goliath/Psalms Movie Night: David David |
3 Kings Party following
Memory work: Psalm 22 Social Hall after Vespers
February 7 14 21 27 28 |
Solomon Proverbs/Song of Songs Elijah Movie Night: Elijah Elisha |
Pack School Kits
Social Hall after Vespers |
March 7 14 21 28 |
Jonah Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel |
April 4 5 11 18 25 |
PASCHA Bright Monday Egg Hunt 3 Young Men in Fire Tobit Daniel |
No Class After Liturgy
Pack Health Kits
May 1 2 9 16 23 30 |
Movie Night: Esther Esther Minor Prophets No lesson: Camping Trip Minor Prophets Ezra/Nehemiah |
Social Hall after Vespers
Memory Work: Books of O.T.
Book Collection |
June 6 12 13 |
Maccabees Dress Rehearsal Closing exercises/play |
Book Collection Social Hall after Vespers Social Hall and Nursing Home |
Classroom supplies: Each class is supplied with the following items:
Paper plates, small and large Scissors Stapler/Staples
Paper, plain and construction Tape and dispenser Paper bags
Glue or glue sticks Crayons and/or markers
Popsicle sticks Chenille (colored pipe cleaners)
If you use the last of something, please either replace it or let me know so I can replace it. If you need special craft supplies for your lesson, submit the receipt to me for reimbursement. Each child should have his own Bible and should either leave it on the shelf or bring it each week. Note that if you are using the Orthodox Study Bible (perhaps a bit too difficult for these readers), the Scripture references are different from those of the Protestant or Roman Catholic Bible. References in the curriculum are listed with both the Orthodox Study Bible books (from the Septuagint) and the Protestant Bible books. These will only affect the books of I and II Samuel, now called I and II Kingdoms, and I and II Kings, now called 3 and 4 Kingdoms. There are also maps of the holy land and of the temple.
Teaching Schedule: We all know that there will be last-minute needs; trade with someone if you cannot teach on your assigned day and let the director know!
Insurance: Each of us must “apply” each year for our volunteer position of teacher. Please be sure not to send small children to the bathroom unattended and accompany your charges back to the Social Hall after class.
Opening Exercises: The Church School director will supervise this time, or delegate it when she is absent. Church School children and teachers are dismissed first from Liturgy; children come straight across for snack during opening exercises. These are an integral part of the curriculum – reviewing material from previous weeks, presenting additional Old Testament characters, rehearsing plays, hearing memory work, and playing quiz games.
Curriculum: With each lesson, there is a suggested craft and learning game, in addition to the reading material and the discussion questions. While it would be nice to think the students would read the material ahead of time, it never happens! So, you’ll have to either read it to them or, if they’re good readers, read it aloud in class.
Icons: Each lesson is now illustrated with an icon, gleaned from non-copyrighted websites on the Internet. Feel free to enlarge these and use to amplify your lesson.
Movie Nights and Parties: We will have pizza after vespers on Saturday night while showing a small children’s movie. Older children should bring a sleeping bag for a lock-in with “feature” presentation; we must have at least 2 adults at each overnight. We’ll leave it up to the parents to decide whether their child is old enough to spend the night or should go home after the “kiddie” movie.
Hand-Outs: You can use the coloring pages and puzzles from the Parents' Guide for hand outs. These should be sent home with the children to reinforce the lesson through the week.
2 cups flour Use pudding with food coloring!
1 cup salt Mix liquid starch and food coloring.
about 1 cup water Mix 3 T sugar, ½ cup cornstarch, and
food coloring 2 cups cold water. Cook over
bath oil, vegetable oil, peppermint oil low heat, stirring, till thick.
Mix flour and salt. Add water Pour into muffin tin. Add
slowly and mix with your fingers until food coloring to each cup.
it makes dough. Knead in a few drops
food coloring and a splotch of oil (if SAND PAINT
desired). Store in air-tight container. Add dry tempera paint to corn meal.
Sprinkle over areas “painted” with thinned white glue
1 cup sand for sand effect. Shake off excess.
½ cup cornstarch
1 tsp powdered alum PASTES
¾ cup hot water PRIMARY PASTE
Food coloring if desired Mix ½ cup water and 1 cup flour
Mix sand, cornstarch and alum in a bowl. Spoon into a jar
in large pot. Add hot water and stir or squeeze bottle to store.
vigorously. Add food coloring if
desired. Cook over medium heat PAPIER MACHE PASTE
until thick, stirring constantly. 3 cups water
After cooling, store in airtight container. 1 ½ cups flour
Mix flour with cold water until lumps are gone.
2 cups fine sawdust Dip pieces of newsprint in paste and mold around
1 cup flour surface to be shaped. Air dry.
Mix sawdust and flour in bowl
or bucket. Add a little water at a time,
stirring till it is stiff but pliable. Knead
till it’s elastic and easy to shape. Store
in airtight container. Air dry.
2 cups cornstarch
4 cups baking soda
2 ½ cups water
Mix cornstarch and soda in large
pot. Add water. Cook, stirring, over medium
heat until thick like mashed potatoes. After
cool, knead on wax paper for 5 minutes. Store
in an airtight container. Air dry.
MAP of Old Testament and Modern Times: