Byzantine Empire/Justinian the Great

Byzantine Empire/Justinian the Great

Home activities:

  • Look this week at examples of architecture, especially domes. Visit the Roman Catholic basilica downtown for its style.
  • Can you visit St. Demetrios Church to see its mosaic work?
  • You can do mosaic work at home with seeds or tiles. There are also kits to paint a tile or do a mosaic stepping stone at any craft store.
  • Justinian also revamped the entire code of law; visit the courthouse and see how laws are enforced today.

Prayer: Lord, Thank You for the beauty that You allow us to create to glorify You.




What are the characteristics of Justinians’s greatest architecture?

Unscramble each of the clue words.
Take the letters that appear in the boxes and unscramble them for the final message – its name.