Last Supper

Last Supper

Home Activities:

  • Have a Seder at home, or visit the home of Jewish neighbors.
  • Review with your child the Eucharist, how to prepare, how to receive, the prayers that lead up to it, the chalice, the bread, etc.
  • Bake Prosphora.
  • Wash your child’s feet each evening before supper, and have him wash yours.
  • Color the icon for your icon corner or dining room.
  • Puzzle.
  • Read the story at bedtime each night.

Prayer: Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, Creator of the Universe, Who gives us the fruit of the vine. Amen.




5 cups sifted flour

1 ½ cups warm water

1 tsp. salt

2 cakes or packages or tablespoons yeast


Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add salt and flour and knead until smooth. Place in bowl, cover, allow to rise. When it doubles in size, punch down, knead, and divide in thirds. Place 2 pieces in cake pans that have been floured. Divide third piece in half and stamp with seal that has been floured. Put small pieces on top of large pieces, allow to rise, bake for 30 minutes at 350 (or until very light brown). Cover with plastic bag immediately upon removal from oven to keep soft.
















3. What was the man carrying?
4. Who were with Jesus at the last supper?
6. Where did Jesus go for the last supper?
8. What would crow after Peter denied Jesus?
1. What did Jesus wash?
2. What did Jesus break and give to his disciples?
3. What feast were they celebrating?
5. Who would betray Jesus?
7. What was in the cup?