- Children should be able to tell the story of Ruth.
- Children should know that Ruth was from the tribe of Moab, not Israel.
- Children should know that Ruth was a direct ancestor of Jesus.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Tell the story of Ruth, with the Beginner’s Bible, pages 152-155, the Children’s Bible Reader, pages 118-119, or the Read with Me Bible, pages 164-166, or the Golden Children’s Bible pages 211-215 (in that order since the Read with Me Bible is too scanty).
- Add Ruth to your timeline.
- Feed the Elephant True/False questions:
True False
Ruth was from the tribe of Moab. Ruth was from the people of Israel.
Ruth’s mother-in-law was Naomi. Ruth’s mother-in-law was Eve.
Ruth married Boaz. Ruth married Noah.
Ruth went to the land of Israel. Ruth went to the land of Egypt.
- Discuss the customs of marriage – in ancient Israel and today. Why did Ruth stay with Naomi? What is the role of the mother-in-law, then and now? How did Ruth meet Boaz? Why was Ruth in the fields? What custom made Boaz Ruth’s husband? How do we choose a husband today? Who cares for the widow and the elderly today?
Make “Egg People” to tell the story:
You’ll need Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz.
Take halves of L’Eggs stocking eggs
or Styrofoam cups for bodies.
Draw faces on them with permanent
felt-tip pens.
Decorate with scraps of fabric for
head coverings or yarn for hair.
Clip 3 clothespins or large paper clips
on the edge for legs.
Have the children retell the story now, acting it out with their characters.
- Close with prayer.