- Children should know the Paschal greeting and response, in as many languages as possible.
- Children should know that on Pascha we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead.
- Children should recognize the icon and the figures in it.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer: Teach and sing the hymn, “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death; and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!”
- Review the story of Holy week – the Last Supper, the Garden prayer, the betrayal, the trial, the crucifixion, and the resurrection – pages 437-458 in the Beginner’s Bible. Who came to the tomb? Why are we so happy on Pascha? Use the icon to retell the story, pointing out each character. You can also read on of the Arch books, either Kiri and the first Easter or the Glory Story.
- Who came to the tomb? Why are we so happy on Pascha? Use the icon to retell the story, pointing out each character.
- As you tell the story, consider making Easter Story Cookies:
Begin with oven at 300 degrees.
As you tell the story,
- take 1 cup pecans and put them in a baggie and beat them with a hammer when discussing the beating of Jesus.
- take 1 tsp vinegar and smell it – put it in a bowl as you discuss Jesus’s thirst
- take a pinch of salt, let each student a little, and add – Jesus’s tears
- Take 1 cup sugar and add to the bowl – the sweet love of Jesus shown in His death for us
- Take 3 egg whites and add and beat to stiff peaks – we are clean and free of sin
- Fold in nuts. Drop in lumps on cookie sheet covered with wax paper –the rocky tomb – each student could take his home.
- Put cookie sheet in the oven and seal it with tape. Turn it off. Remind the children of the sealed tomb. They may even be sad to leave their cookies overnight, as the disciples of Jesus were sad. On Easter morning open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Note that the surface is cracked and the cookies are hollow – just like the empty tomb!
- Feed the Elephant/True or False?
True False
Jesus rose from the dead on Pascha. Jesus rose from the dead on Palm Sunday.
Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. Jesus was crucified on Pascha.
Jesus was crucified on Holy Friday. Caiphas, the high priest, loved Jesus.
Two Marys went to the tomb. Mary and Mary saw a snake in the tomb.
The noble Joseph of Arimathea Peter never denied he knew Jesus.
buried Jesus’s body.
- Teach the Paschal greeting in several languages; the children can respond.
English: Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
Greek: Christos anesti! Alethos anesti!
Russian: Christos voskrese! Voistinue voskrese!
Arabic: Al-masi-kam! Haq an qaam!
- Decorate eggs for Pascha. You can use real eggs and dye, even crayons for resist Pysanky. But, easier is to u
se Leggs eggs; they’re nice and big for small hands. They can be painted, decorated with scraps of yarn and fabric, or even split in half for a small crucifixion diorama complete with toothpick crosses inside.
Alternate craft: Eggs too messy? Try the Easter Story Wheel. Just print on cardstock and use brad to hold together after children color. No cardstock? Print on regular paper and glue to paper plates.
- Close again with the song and a prayer.