Moses #2 (later life)
Children should learn the 10 plagues.
- Children should memorize the 10 commandments.
- Children should be able to name Moses as the writer of the books of the Torah, or Jewish law.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Read the story of Moses from the Beginner’s Bible, pages 104-127, the Children’s Bible Reader, pages 79-105, or the Read with Me Bible, pages 104-143. Add Moses to your timeline.
- True/False questions:
True False
Moses led God’s people to freedom. Adam led God’s people to freedom.
God gave Moses the 10 Commandments. God gave Moses 5 Commandments
God opened the Red Sea. God opened the Yellow Sea.
The last plague was death. Pharaoh loved and obeyed God.
- Play “Moses May I”: Give commands and permission based on the Commandments, for example:
Teacher: John, take 2 steps into the wilderness.
John: Moses, may I?
Moses (either the teacher, or an older student): Yes, you may.
Teacher: Judy, steal Jason’s hat.
Judy: Moses, may I?
Moses: Moses says no! Why not? (Class can answer.)
- Sing “God Gave Moses” to the tune of “Mary had a Little Lamb”:
God gave Moses 10 Commandments….This is what God said.
- We must worship only God, only God… This is commandment one.
- God said not to worship things… 7. God said we must honor marriage.
- God said not to use bad words… 8. God said we are not to steal…
- God said we must go to Church…9. God said we are not to lie…
- God said we must honor parents 10. God said we are not to envy…
- God said we are not to kill…
- Make Moses with a toilet paper roll. Copy the design on the next page. Cut out the lines around Moses’s headdress so his head will stand up. Have children color and glue to a toilet paper tube. Added value? Take a piece of blue construction paper, cut waves ahead of time on the long sides. Cut “path” about 4 inches wide of brown construction paper. Children can glue the brown path up the middle of the “sea”, decorate with fish and sea life stickers, and fold both sides longways towards the center. Open the folds to reveal the path for Moses to walk thru the sea, then close them for the Egyptians.
Alternate activity -- Make unleavened bread:
Mix together 1 cup cold water, 2T vegetable oil, 8 T honey, 1 ½ tsp salt, 3 T softened butter, 1 egg. Slowly add the flour and give each child a piece about the size of a ping-pong ball to knead till elastic. Be sure to oil hands before kneading. Grease cookie sheet, smash each ball like a hamburger patty, place on the sheet and poke lots of holes in each with a fork. Bake 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes until golden brown and enjoy.
- Close with prayer.