- Children should be able to identify Esther as Queen of Persia.
- Children should be able to identify her husband Ahasuerus and Mordecai and Haman.
- Children should be able to tell the story of Esther.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Scripture Reference: Esther 5:1-8 and chapter 7. Unless you want to read the entire book, set the scene for the students. Ahasuerus, also known as Xerxes (his Greek name), king of Persia, chose Esther, a Jewish girl living in in Persia, as his queen, after his previous queen, Vashti, refused to obey him. Haman was his chief advisor. Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, has learned that Haman has tricked the king into ordering the death of all the Jews. But, Esther is not supposed to go to her husband, the king, unless he first calls her; the punishment is death! As you read the Scriptures aloud, have the students shake noisemakers and boo every time the villain, Haman, is named. This is exactly the way Purim, the holiday commemorating Esther, is celebrated in a Jewish synagogue to this day.
- Learning Game: Line ‘em up! – Write the events of the story on cards, one for each student. Have the students read their cards aloud and line up in the correct order to tell the story.
- Discussion: Esther was willing to go to the king even if she died for it. This decision took great courage. What decisions have you made that took courage? What do you think might have happened if Esther had been too afraid to go before the king? Mordecai believed that God would take care of Esther. How does God care for us?
- Make Esther Glove Puppets:
Take a white or beige gardening glove for each child. Decorate each finger with little bits of fabric, lace, felt, beads, and markers to be the major characters of the story: Haman on the thumb, Queen Vashti on the little finger, and Esther, Ahasuerus, and Mordecai on the other fingers. Tell the story, killing first Vashti and then Haman by bending down the fingers. You can decorate the palm as a palace with fabric paint or markers if desired.
Too much crafting for the time allotted? Take the comic strip and print and color. Add front and back cover of construction paper, writing "The Story of Esther" on the front cover. Staple together. Take the book home and read to the family.Â