Russia, Ukraine, and the OCA
Ukraine, Russia, OCA
Still more ethnic adventures.
Home Activities:
- Review the stories of St. Sergius, St. Innocent (Apostle to the Aleuts), St. Herman, and St. Peter the Aleut.
- Visit the library or the Internet for books on Eskimos and Aleuts; look at pictures of Alaskan scenery, igloos, seals, walruses, etc.
- Visit these animals at the zoo.
- Now travel to Russia – try a dinner of cabbage, kielbasa, pierogies (Mrs. T’s are easy), beets, etc.
- Visit one of our Russian parishes – St. Andrew’s OCA or Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox.
- Time to pull out that Cyrillic alphabet again and practice some Russian words; just wait till you try “hello”, “thank you”, and “good-bye” in Russian!
- Learn your Pascha responses in Russian as well; plenty of people in our parish or another can help you.
- This is the last lesson and a good review for the family would be a "Saints of North America" centerpiece. Print on cardstock the ship of the Ark of Salvation and the two strips of saints we've studied. Use a paper towel tube covered with "Saints of North America" to balance the Ark of Salvation over the base of the saints, folded to make a fan and taped together. Cut a slit in the top of the paper towel tube to insert the ship.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for bringing the good news of Your holy faith to us in America from Russia with your saints Innocent, Herman, and Peter.