Home Activities:
- We begin our study of Pascha on Palm Sunday. When you bring home the Palms, help your child put them with each icon.
- Decorate candle with flowers for the Palm Sunday procession, then in your icon corner.
- Again place the icon of the feast we colored a few weeks ago in a prominent place.
- Participate in as many of the Holy Week services as possible. Don’t be afraid to extend bedtime this once or to miss school.
- Read the story at bedtime each night.
- Prayer on Palm Sunday: Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord. Amen.
- On Pascha: Put the icon in a prominent place.
- Make Easter eggs and color them. With older children, try Pysanky.
- Practice the Paschal greeting “Christ is Risen” & “Indeed He is risen”; memorize in several languages.
- Plant seeds for flowers. Visit a florist’s shop and look at all the flowers. Decorate icons at home with flowers.
- Bake the traditional sweet bread and make traditional cheese with your child.
- Let your child help in packing your Pascha basket for church.
- Puzzle and coloring pages.
- Sing the Troparion each day, lots of different melodies.
English: Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
Greek: Christos anesti! Alethos anesti!
Russian: Christos voskrese! Voistinu voskrese!
Arabic: Al-masi-kam! Haq an qaam!
Romanian: Christos inviat! Adeverat inviat!