


  1. Children should be able to tell the story of Ruth.
  2. Children should know that Ruth was from the tribe of Moab, not Israel. The Moabites were the descendants of Lot, Abraham’s nephew.
  3. Children should know that Ruth was a direct ancestor of Jesus.


Possible Lesson Plan:

  1. Open with prayer.


  1. Tell the story of Ruth, either with the Beginner’s Bible, pages 152-155, the Children’s Bible Reader, pages 118-119, or the Read with Me Bible, pages 164-166, or the Golden Children’s Bible pages 211-215 (in that order since the Read with Me Bible is too scanty).

Add Ruth to your timeline.

  1. True/False questions:

                                        True                                                       False

                  Ruth was from the tribe of Moab.                        Ruth was from the people of Israel.

                  Ruth’s mother-in-law was Naomi.            Ruth’s mother-in-law was Eve.

                  Ruth married Boaz.                                   Ruth married Noah.

                  Ruth went to the land of Israel.                Ruth went to the land of Egypt.


  1. Discuss the customs of marriage – in ancient Israel and today. Why did Ruth stay with Naomi? What is the role of the mother-in-law, then and now? How did Ruth meet Boaz? Why was Ruth in the fields? What custom made Boaz Ruth’s husband? How do we choose a husband today? Who cares for the widow and the elderly today?

  1. Ruth was a willing helper.

Make a Happy Helper kit with

each child. Take a bucket (KFC

or a paint store may donate.) Add

a handle of clothesline of there is

no handle. Put in it a dust rag, dish

soap, sponge, window cleaner, paper towels, Fantastic, Pledge, gloves –

whatever you want. Cover the outside

with paper saying “Happy Helper”.

Have each child donate himself to

someone this week. Write a coupon

for service and present it to your

chosen recipient.


Close with prayer.