Galatians: Sowing and Reaping



Scripture verse: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”



  1. Students should memorize the verse and understand the parable of the sower.
  2. Students should understand the concept of “relative morality” and its application today.


Background on the book:

            St. Paul wrote this letter to believers in the region of Galatia from his home church in Antioch, just before the first ecumenical council in Jerusalem. (What did that council decide? The obligations of Gentile believers to the Jewish law) Paul had started the churches in Galatia during his first missionary journey around 48 AD. But, after he left, some believers had been convinced that they had to obey all the Jewish law for salvation; Paul writes to correct this. But, others in Galatia were deep in sin, believing that since they were saved by faith, it didn’t matter what they did!  Even though the book comes after the letters to the Romans and the Corinthians, it was written before those epistles, probably just as he was starting his 3rd  missionary journey.


Possible Lesson Plan:

  1. Open with prayer.


  1. Review the background on the book: When and where was it written? Find Galatia on the map.


  1. Scripture lesson: Galatians 6:4-10, Exodus 20:1-20, Luke 8:4-15 – How can our lives be compared to sowing seeds? What is good seed? What is the reward for sowing good seed? Bad seed? Have you ever seen someone doing something wrong and seeming to get away with it? Are there consequences for their actions or should we just join them in doing what we can get away with? With older children, review the story of David and Bathsheba; did David get away with his sin in the long run? Who caught him? (God, through Nathan the prophet) With younger children, Jonah would be a better example: Did he think he got away with not obeying God? Did he really?        

      Memorize the verse. It's a long one today. Try printing it out, cut into phrases, and tape to backs of students. They must line themselves up in the correct order!

  1. Read Exodus 20:1-20: What are these popularly called? (the Ten Commandments) Why did God give His people the Law? Are we saved by the law? Does that mean we can do anything we feel like without regard to God’s commandments? Are the commandments given to make our lives miserable and no fun, or because these guidelines are actually the best way to live? What if God had called these the Ten Suggestions instead of the Ten Commandments?


  1. Is there really such a thing as right and wrong? Or are these old-fashioned concepts and people can really decide for themselves what is “right for me”? Is there a right or wrong in these situations:

If you had a chance to cheat on a test without being caught, would you?

If your parents told you not to go somewhere, would you go anyway?

If your friends dared you to walk out of a store with a CD without paying for it, would you try to?

If you were asked to donate money to an abortion clinic, would you?

If you were asked to do a book report, would you watch the movie and write it based on that?

If you had a chance to go to the mall instead of to Church on Sunday, would you?

Discuss the concept of relative morality: In the eyes of the world around us, is there any true right and wrong? In God’s eyes?


  1. Do a Sowing and Reaping project: Give each student an egg carton. Fill compartments with dirt. Have a variety of seeds, unlabelled. Students should sow seeds, one type in each compartment. Water and take home; water carefully in a sunny window.  What’s growing? Are all the plants the same?

No space for dirt and egg cartons? Try this paper craft. Print on cardstock, cut out both circles, including the little wedge from the top circle, use a brad to put them together. Now review the 10 commandments as our priest often does with us when preparing for general confession.


7.  Close with prayer. The Lord’s prayer would be appropriate here, with special emphasis on “deliver us from evil”. Ask the students to watch a favorite TV show this week and count the incidents of disobedience to the 10 Commandments.