Ethiopia, Alexandria, St. Catherine's, Georgia

Ethiopia/Alexandria/St. Catherine/Georgia

Home Activities:

  • Now we’re in Africa for Ethiopia, Alexandria (Egypt), and St. Catherine's.  Try some African recipes; get some African music tapes out of the library. 
  • Look at pictures of ancient Egypt;
  • A good time perhaps to watch “The Ten Commandments” and review the stories of Joseph and Moses again in your story time. 
  • Review the story of Philip and the Eunuch. 
  • Jesus also went to Egypt; when? 
  • Ask our own Egyptian family how to say “hello”, “thank you”, and “good-bye” in Egyptian.
  • The country of Georgia is included in this lesson. Compare with our state of Georgia -- similarities, differences. Find it on the map -- in Africa or not?

Prayer: Lord, strengthen Your church in Africa where You first led Your Hebrew people out of slavery.