Ethiopia, Alexandria, St. Catherine's, Georgia
Ethiopia/Alexandria/St. Catherine/Georgia
Home Activities:
- Now we’re in Africa for Ethiopia, Alexandria (Egypt), and St. Catherine's. Try some African recipes; get some African music tapes out of the library.
- Look at pictures of ancient Egypt;
- A good time perhaps to watch “The Ten Commandments” and review the stories of Joseph and Moses again in your story time.
- Review the story of Philip and the Eunuch.
- Jesus also went to Egypt; when?
- Ask our own Egyptian family how to say “hello”, “thank you”, and “good-bye” in Egyptian.
- The country of Georgia is included in this lesson. Compare with our state of Georgia -- similarities, differences. Find it on the map -- in Africa or not?
Prayer: Lord, strengthen Your church in Africa where You first led Your Hebrew people out of slavery.
Once there lived a boy in the land of Phoenicia named Frumentius. A rich man named Meropius decided that he would sail to India to learn of the wisdom of that land. Meropius took with him 2 boys, Frumentius and his friend Edesius. But, the ship ran out of food. They came to a town on the coast of Africa and landed the ship to buy food. But the people of this region hated the Romans. They killed Meropius and the sailors and took the two boys to the king as slaves. This is how Frumentius came to the African land of Ethiopia.
The king could see that the boys were smart and well-mannered. He decided to let
them live as his servants. Edesius became his cup-bearer and Frumentius a keeper of scrolls. They served the king well. But, the king died young. The queen asked Edesius and Frumentius to help her young son learn to rule the land and they agreed to serve the people of Ethiopia. Frumentius was now free to travel around the country. He gathered the Christians together and told people about Jesus. Soon, there were more and more Christians in the land.