2 Corinthians: Cheerful Giver
Scripture verse: “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
- Students should memorize the last part of the verse and understand its context.
- Students should personally fill out a pledge card with their promise to God.
Background on the book:
This letter was written by St. Paul in the same year as I Corinthians, after he received a report from Titus about the state of the church in Corinth. Paul had now left Ephesus, having been almost killed in the great riot, and was visiting the region of Philippi and Thessalonica. The problems of immorality and idol worship had been dealt with, but new problems were surfacing. Paul sent Titus right back to Corinth with his response. Among the problems he addressed was that the Corinthians had promised to send money to help the Christians in Jerusalem; now a year later those who had promised were not paying. Later that year, Paul himself would visit Corinth, and there write the letter to the Romans. Find Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, and Thessalonica on a map.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Review the background of the book. What problem was Paul addressing in this part of his letter?
- Scripture lesson: II Corinthians 9:5-8. Read this aloud. Then read Luke 21:1-4. Very short and easy to memorize verse, but not easy to live by! Repeat it several times. Perhaps this would be a good time for a review lesson. Play musical verses, like musical chairs. When the music stops (sing a hymn?), student who is left standing must recite any one of our verses so far to remain in the game!
- Tithes and offerings: Have you ever promised to give to something and then never followed through? Maybe a collection for the Sunday School during Lent or to a missionary or needy child? How much of our lives do we owe to God? How much does God ask us to give? (a tithe is 10% of our income, but an offering is out of our own generosity) Do we have to be rich to give? With what attitude does God want us to approach giving – grudgingly or willingly? Is that how we usually feel when we give?
- Our own personal pledge: In our Church, we make our promise to God about tithes and offerings of money and talents (Remember the last lesson?) on a pledge card. No one is too young to give to God and no gift is too small. Do you have any money of your own? (Brainstorm here: allowance, chores, etc.) How much does each of you want to promise to God? Fill out pledge cards. Be sure to include the talents discussed in the last lesson, as well as monetary gifts.
- Close with prayer.