Ephesians: The Fullness of God
Scripture verse: “that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height – to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
- Students should memorize the last half of the verse and understand its content and context.
- Students should reconsider how much Christ fills their lives and reconsider their priorities.
Background on the book:
Ephesians was written while Paul was a prisoner in Rome 61-63 AD. He wasn’t busy and had lots of time to write a letter from his heart. The letter itself was carried to Ephesus by Tychicus, who was also carrying the letter to the Colossians and had with him Onesimus with the letter to Philemon.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Review the background of the book. Find Ephesus, Rome, and Colossae on the map.
- Scripture lesson: Ephesians 3:12-21, Luke 9:23-25, 12:29-34. Discuss. A very long verse, but work on the last part for memorization. Recite it a few times: "filled with all the fullness of God."
- Take a large piece of paper or a blackboard. Divide it into hours like an appointment book for a “sample day” – e.g. Monday. Have the students fill in the sample day based on their usual schedule – e.g. 7 AM get up and get dressed and have breakfast, 8 AM-3 PM go to school, 4-6 PM soccer (or ballet, etc.), 6 –7 PM dinner, 7-8 PM homework, 8-9 PM watch TV, 9 PM go to bed, 10 PM-7 AM sleep. What percentage of the day does the Lord get? Does God fill our day with all His fullness? Does how we spend our time show what is important to us? How often and for how long do we:
Worship in Church?
Attend youth or Church School classes or activities?
Serve the Lord by serving others?
- Reread the 10 Commandments from the last lesson: What is the first commandment? Why? What crowds out God in your life? Has this become your “god”? Look back on the hypothetical schedule: How can it be “reprioritized”? Some things are unchangeable (e.g. sleep and school) but some are not. Hand out copies of the “Daily Schedule” and let students fill them in, reflecting their new priorities.
Make a “Pillowcase Tote Bag”: Begin with a pillowcase for each student with holes cut around the top at about 3 inch intervals or buy blank canvas tote bags. Students should decorate the bags with hearts (fabric paint, fabric markers) to represent the love of God and the words “FILLED WITH ALL THE FULNESS OF GOD”. Take a length of macramé cord or clothesline and weave in and out of the holes to make a tote bag.
- Close with prayer: Pray especially that the students will be filled with the Lord this week.
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