Ages 9-11 Church History Overview (Schedules, Recipes, etc.)



AGES 9-11

This sample schedule is provided for your convenience. Feel Free to plug in your own dates and teachers!




   Date                         Topic                                       Teacher                        Special Notes             


Sept.    8          Gala Opening Outdoor Movie Night                          Quo Vadis

                        Outdoors, with bonfire, entire parish

             9          Pentecost/Philip & Eunuch                                                    


16        Stephen                                              


23        Conversion of Saul                            


            30        Peter and Cornelius                            


Oct.      7         Council of Jerusalem                          


              14        Spread of Gospel                               


            21        John/Revelation                                 


            27        Movie Night                                                                Ben Hur

            28        Paul and Journeys                                                       12:30 All Saint’s Party


Nov.     4         Paul and Journeys                                                                  


11        Peter                                                               


18        Dormition                                           


             25        Persecutions                                       


Dec.     1         St. Nicholas Festival                                                   Rehearsal of play

            2         St. Nicholas Play                                                         12 Noon Congregation

                                                                                                          1 PM Nursing Home


            9          Constantine                                                    


            16        Elevation of the Cross                       


23        St. Mary of Egypt                              


30        Canon of Scripture                                                      Memory: Books of Bible

Gospels and Acts ages 3-7

Theophany jars following      


Jan.      6         Athanasius/Creed/Council of Nicea                 12:30 PM Three Kings Party


13        Chrysostom/Liturgy                                                    Memory Work: Creed


20        Three Hierarchs                                                           Homeless Bags


           27        Cyril of Alexandria/Councils             


Feb.     3          St. Nina/St. Patrick/Councils             


            9          Movie night after vespers                                           El Cid

            10        Fall of Rome                                      


            17        Byzantine Empire/Justinian                                       Memory: Trisagion Prayers                                                                                                                             (3-5 just thrice holy)

24        Rise of Islam                                      


March  2          Icons/St. John of Damascus                                        Art Day after Church School


              6         Movie Night after vespers                                          Becket/Man for All Seasons

 9         Monasticism/ St. Anthony/St. Seraphim   


16        Cyril and Methodius/Baptism of Russia                  


23        St. Gregory Palamas                                                   Memory work: Jesus Prayer


30        The Crusades                                     


April    6         Fall of Constantinople                                   


            13        Protestant Reformation                      

20        Protestant Reformation                      


  1. PASCHA – no Church School
  2. Easter Egg Hunt and Cookout


 May    4          Armenia/Antioch                               


  1.       Ethiopia/Alexandria                           


16-18   Camping Trip: No Class                     


25        Greece/Constantinople                                                Memory: Lord Have Mercy                                                                                                                5 languages (3-5 one)

June     1         Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria                 


             8         Japan                                                  


            15        Ukraine, Russia, OCA                                   


            21        Rehearsal after vespers                                               Balailaka on the Onion Dome

            Movie night                                                                 Scarlet and Black

22        End of Year Play                                                        Parish and Nursing Home

            Awards Presentation




Stock Craft Supplies: available in your cabinet; let me know if you use the last of something, or replace it yourself before the next week.

            Crayons                       Pencils                         Magic Markers

            Popsicle sticks             White glue                   Glue sticks

            Construction paper      White paper plates      Scissors

            Stapler                         Clear tape                    Pencil sharpener

            Chenille sticks

References for this course:

            Each student has a copy of the Bible. There’s also a great set of 3 books in the library, An Illustrated History of the Church. Although told with a slightly Roman Catholic bias, there are great pictures and stories all the way up to about the year 1000. The reading level is perfect for this class.  

Paperwork and insurance regulations:  Each of us must “apply” each year for our volunteer position; our references will be checked as per diocesan regulations.  We will also have a parent volunteer who could come into any classroom at any time as required by the insurance company.  Please be sure not to send small children to the bathroom unattended and accompany your charges back to the church building after class – again new safety regulations. 

Lesson plan:

            We will be dismissed first from liturgy for the children to get refreshments; while they eat, we will have opening exercises.  In about 10 minutes, lessons will begin and should last about 30 minutes.  Begin with a prayer and introductions for any new students.  Read the story in the Bible or tell the story from the manual. Each lesson is followed by one or more craft ideas.  Please feel free to use the suggested craft, or your own!  Learning game suggestions are also included. Review the story.  Recite memory work.  End with prayer.  If you are unable to teach on your assigned day, please trade with someone and then let me know (to avoid mid-Liturgy panic when I don’t see you in the congregation).

Movie Nights and Parties: We will have supper after vespers on Saturday night while showing a small children’s movie. Older children should bring a sleeping bag for a lock-in with “feature” presentation; we must have at least 2 adults at each overnight.

Plays: Play rehearsal for St. Nicholas play and end-of-year play will occur during opening exercises and should not disrupt your lessons.  The big rehearsal for the end-of-year play will be the evening before after vespers, with supper provided and movie night. If you are assigned on the day of the play, that means you can help with costumes, etc.; we need all the help we can get!


Pat Disharoon (410-233-5337)






                            CLAYS                                                                  PAINTS

SALT DOUGH                                                         FINGER PAINT (4 WAYS)

2 cups flour                                                                 Use pudding with food coloring!

1 cup salt                                                                     Mix liquid starch and food coloring.

about 1 cup water                                                       Mix 3 T sugar, ½ cup cornstarch, and

food coloring                                                                          2 cups cold water. Cook over

bath oil, vegetable oil, peppermint oil                                    low heat, stirring, till thick.

            Mix flour and salt. Add water                                    Pour into muffin tin. Add

slowly and mix with your fingers until                                   food coloring to each cup.

it makes dough. Knead in a few drops

food coloring and a splotch of oil (if                          SAND PAINT

desired). Store in air-tight container.                          Add dry tempera paint to corn meal.

                                                                                    Sprinkle over areas “painted” with thinned white glue


1 cup sand                                                                   for a sand effect. Shake off excess.

½ cup cornstarch

1 tsp powdered alum                                                                          PASTES

¾ cup hot water                                                          PRIMARY PASTE

Food coloring if desired                                             Mix ½ cup water and 1 cup flour

            Mix sand, cornstarch and alum                                   in a bowl. Spoon into a jar

in large pot. Add hot water and stir                                       or squeeze bottle to store.

vigorously. Add food coloring if

desired. Cook over medium heat                                PAPIER MACHE PASTE

until thick, stirring constantly.                                    3 cups water

After cooling, store in airtight container.                    1 ½ cups flour

                                                                                                Mix flour with cold water until lumps are gone.


2 cups fine sawdust                                                   Dip strips of newsprint in paste and mold around

1 cup flour                                                                   surface to be shaped. Air dry.

            Mix sawdust and flour in bowl

or bucket. Add a little water at a time,                       CORNSTARCH DOUGH

stirring till it is stiff but pliable. Knead                       2 cups cornstarch

till it’s elastic and easy to shape. Store                       4 cups baking soda     

in airtight container. Air dry.                                      2 ½ cups water

            Mix cornstarch and soda in large

pot. Add water. Cook, stirring, over medium

heat until thick like mashed potatoes. After

cool, knead on wax paper for 5 minutes. Store in an airtight container. Air dry.