Woman at the Well
- Students should be able to tell the story of Jesus and the woman at the well.
- Students should be able to say the word, “evangelism” and know that it means telling people about Jesus.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Scripture reference: John 4:1-43.
- Historical setting: The Samaritans were descendants of the Jewish people who remained in Israel after the rest of the people were carried off into captivity. They intermarried with the people of the land, but continued to worship one God, although not at the Temple in Jerusalem. The Jewish people looked down on them in general as of impure blood.
- Discussion questions: Who made the well Jesus rested on? Review the story of Jacob and his return from exile in Genesis 33: 18-20. Why was the woman surprised that Jesus would speak to her? What kind of water did Jesus offer the woman? Who did the woman say would tell all things to the people? What was Jesus’s response? What did the woman do? What 2 things caused the people of Samaria to believe that Jesus was the coming Messiah? The woman at the well was named Photini and became one of the earliest Christians.
- Talk a bit about evangelism: What does it mean? Was that what the woman at the well did? Was she excited to tell her friends what Jesus had said? Is there anyone you know who does not know about Jesus? Have you told them? Why or why not?
- Learning Game: Truth or Consequences. Each student takes a turn standing as player. The teacher should ask a question based on today’s lesson. If the student knows the answer, he can sit down. If he does not know the answer, the rest of the class decides on a “consequence”, subject, of course, to veto by the teacher if there is danger or mess involved. Suggest simple but funny punishments like doing a backwards somersault or standing on the head or rubbing the stomach while patting the head.
- Make the Woman at the Well Game: Cut several paper jars for each student. Write on each a question about the woman at the well. Each student in the class can make up one question for all to share. Make a well from a 28-32 oz. tin can; the outside can be covered with gray construction paper and lines drawn like stone. Tie a string to a small hole in each jar and put the jars in the well with the strings hanging over the side. See if the student can answer the questions drawn from the well. Can his brothers and sisters?
- Close with prayer. Lord Jesus, make me so excited that I want to tell everyone about you, like the woman at the well.
The jars of the Samaritan Woman at the Well