Last Supper
- Children should be able to tell the story of the Last Supper in their own words.
- Children should identify the major figures in the icon.
- Children should know that the Last Supper was also the first Communion.
- Children should be able to name bread and wine as the Communion foods.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Read the story of the Last Supper in the Beginner’s Bible, pages 437-445, the Children’s Bible Reader, pages 236-242, or the Read with Me Bible, pages 366-381. Supplement with the Golden Children’s Bible, pages 440-447, if desired. What did Jesus wash before supper? Why? What foods did He bless? Who was going to betray Him? Review the story with the icon, identifying the characters, the bread, and the wine. We celebrate the Last Supper on Holy Thursday with the 12 readings of the story.
- Feed the Elephant True/False Questions:
True False
Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Jesus washed his hair.
Jesus blessed the bread and wine. Jesus blessed the broccoli.
Judas Iscariot went to betray Jesus. Peter went to betray Jesus.
Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus danced a jig in the garden.
The disciples fell asleep. The disciples prayed with Jesus.
Judas kissed Jesus to betray Him. Judas cut off Jesus’s ear.
- Review the story of Moses and Passover in the Read with Me Bible. Jesus and His disciples were celebrating Passover dinner at the time of the Last Supper. In fact, Jesus is called the Paschal lamb. How is He like the Passover lamb? The lamb saved God’s people from death, just as Jesus was soon to save all people from death.
- Have a foot-washing: Have the children sit in a circle with shoes off. Take turns washing each others feet.
- Talk a bit about Holy Communion: What do we eat and drink for Holy Communion? Why are these foods special? When was the first Communion? Role-play with smaller children how to properly take communion: Show them how to cross their arms, open the mouth, kiss the chalice, and cross themselves. Practice while singing:
This is the way we hold our hands, hold our hands…
This is the way we open our mouths, open our mouths…
This is the way we kiss the chalice, kiss the chalice…
This is the way we cross ourselves, cross ourselves…
7. Make a Communion Mobile. Glue the picture onto a paper plate and decorate the rim in a creative way. Color the icon and cut it out paper-plate size. Glue on the back. Punch hole at top. Attach string so it can spin; remind the children that Holy Communion was begun at the Last Supper.
- Close with prayer.