Students should be able to identify the three sons of Noah by name.
- Students should identify the Great Flood and its significance.
- Students should know God’s meaning for a rainbow.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Scripture Reference: Genesis 6:9-8. A bit long but difficult to leave any part out. A summary is available in God is With Us, pages 12-16. How big was that ark after all? (about 450 feet: 1 cubit is about 18 inches). How long were they in the boat? (more than a year!) What was the meaning of the rainbow?
Learning Game: Hangman – Write on pieces of paper words or names important to this story: Noah, dove, rainbow, ark, Shem, Ham, Japheth. Each student in turn can draw a word and put the appropriate number of dashes, one for each letter, on the board. Students guess the letters; if the letter is in the word, the hangman writes it on the appropriate dash mark. If not, he draws the head of the hanged man. With each subsequent guess, he adds trunk, arm, arm, leg, leg. The object is to guess the word before the man is hanged.
- Discussion: How do you think Noah felt building a huge boat in his back yard with all the neighbors laughing at him? Have people ever laughed at you? How did it feel? How did you respond? How did Noah respond?
Make a rainbow: Each student should get half a white pipe cleaner, a variety of colored beads, and about 18 inches of “beading lace”, and 2 white cotton balls. Bend one end of the pipe cleaner to keep the beads from sliding off. You will see that the beading lace has large holes about 1/2 inch apart in the center. Push the pipe cleaner through the first hole, then thru a bead, then the next lace hole, then a bead, alternating until you reach the end of the pipe cleaner. Bend that end. Glue cotton balls (clouds) over the bent ends and tie a small string in the middle for a hanger.
- Close with prayer. Pray for the courage not to be afraid to look silly in the eyes of men in order to obey God.