The Three Kings
Children should be able to tell the story of the three kings, or wise men.
- Children should know that the star guided the wise men to Bethlehem.
- Children should be able to name Herod as the wicked king who wanted to kill Jesus.
- Children should be able to name the gifts the kings gave the baby Jesus.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer. Review St. Simeon’s prayer. Have the children memorized it yet?
- Read the story of the three kings in the Beginner’s Bible, pages 286-290, the Children’s Bible Reader, pages 170-173, or the Read with Me Bible, pages 270-276. Supplement if desired with the Golden Children’s Bible pages 354-357. Review the icon of the Nativity. Where are the three kings? Add them to your crèche and review all the other figures in the icon and the crèche scene. Does the Bible actually tell us how many kings there were? (no)
3. True/False Questions:
True False
Herod was King of Judea. Herod was one of the wise men.
The kings brought gifts for baby Jesus. The kings hated baby Jesus.
Herod hated baby Jesus. Herod loved baby Jesus.
The kings followed a star. The kings followed a kite.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus was born in Baltimore.
4. Ask some questions: What were the gifts of the kings? Why did they bring these gifts? Why did Herod hate Jesus? What did God tell the wise men to do?
5. Make king crèche figures and add to the class crèche scene (see Nativity lesson). Didn't make a class creche scene? Then make the 3 Kings "paper dolls" to stand up. Use cardstock and fold like a fan for three double folds. Place straight edge of pattern along fold, and cut rounded side. When unfolded, the three figures should be stuck together like a paper doll chain. It will stand up by itself. Decorate with markers, sequins, glitter.
6. Then each student can make paper stars; they’ll make great decorations for the Christmas tree.
Alternate craft idea: Lacing stars. Trace the pattern on the following page with yellow poster board and punch out the holes. Give the students large tapestry needles and colored yarn. Have them go in and out, lacing around the outline of the star and then to its center from each point.
7. Close with prayer.