Possible Lesson Plan:
Exodus 5:1,2,7,8 Exodus 9:10-12 Exodus 14:10-16
Exodus 7:10-12 Exodus 9:22-24 Exodus 16:13-15
Exodus 7:20-21 Exodus 10:13-15 Exodus 20:1-18
Exodus 8:1-3 Exodus 10:21-23 Exodus 24:15-18
Exodus 8:21-23 Exodus 12: 21-23 Exodus 32:15-21
Exodus 9:2-5 Exodus 12:29-32 Exodus 34:1
3. Learning Game: Name the Order. Write these events on cards and see if the students can put them in order:
Moses found by Pharaoh’s sister Egyptian beating Hebrew
Moses cast out of Egypt Moses at Jethro’s well in Midian
Moses married Zipporah The burning bush
I am Who I Am Bricks without straw
Nile into blood Frogs
Gnats Insects
Cattle disease Boils and sores
Hail like fire Locusts
Darkness over the land Passover
Parting of the Red Sea Death of Pharaoh’s army
Manna Mt. Sinai
10 Commandments Golden Calf
4. Make a map of the Exodus. Begin with a pizza box for each child (Pizza places will give these to you if you ask.) You can also use a large sturdy paper plate. Mix up enough salt dough for the class with 2 cups of flour for each cup of salt. Add water until play-dough consistency and food coloring – yellow for land and blue for water. Draw or glue a map of Egypt and Palestine on the inside bottom of the box. Sculpt the scenery with land and sea dough. Add flags for special places.
Way too messy? Print the figures on cardstock, cut out, color, and glue or tape popsicle stick on the back to make popsicle puppets. Use to retell the story.
5. Close with prayer.