Home activities:
- Show your child pictures of his chrismation.
- Place the icon of Pentecost back in the icon corner and review the story of Pentecost. Look at fire this week – what is it like? Visit the fire station. Make a fire in the fireplace for a family evening.
- What does “Seal!” mean? Get some sealing wax and make a seal with air-drying clay – maybe with a dove or a flame on it. Seal your letters (even the bills) with your “Holy Spirit Seal”.
- Fill in your “Chrismation Certificate” complete with picture for the refrigerator.
Prayer: Lord, fill me with the fire of your Holy Spirit, given to me at my chrismation.
2. The word spoken during anointing
3. The holy oil
5. Old Testament people filled with the Holy Spirit
6. Cutting of the hair
7. The Comforter, the Spirit of Truth
1. Ceremonial walk around the altar
2. Old Testament hero whose strength was in his hair
4. Anointing with oil
5. Feast celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit