The next several lessons cover the growth of the national Orthodox churches from the 1500s to the present. As an ongoing project, locate each country on a map of the world or a globe and mark it; learn its capital and geography from an encyclopedia. With an older child, keep watch in the newspaper or news magazine for any mention of these countries in the next few weeks and make a scrapbook.
Home Activities:
Prayer: Lord, we pray for all the bishops of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.
Can you match the first half of each greeting with the second?
English: Christ is risen! Voistinu voskrese!
Greek: Christos anesti! Adeverat inviat!
Russian: Christos voskrese! Indeed He is risen!
Arabic: Al-masi-kam! Alethos anesti!
Romanian: Christos inviat! Haq an qaam!