Elevation of the Cross
Home Activities:
- Review the story of the finding of the cross with your child.
- In your Bible storybook, reread the stories of the healing miracles of Jesus; how did St. Helen identify the true cross?
- Look for crosses – they’re everywhere!
- Also, reread the story of the Crucifixion. As you drive, as you shop…
- Wear a cross every day – might even buy a new one for the week to make it more exciting for your child to wear.
- Review with your child how to cross himself “correctly” and do it regularly.
Prayer: Lord, bless all Your people through the saving power of Your holy Cross. “Before Thy Cross, we bow down and worship, O Master, and Thy holy Resurrection we glorify!” (Sing it three times, prostrating each time; children love prostrations!)
Can you find the words we say in church several times a year? We’re using Greek letters for the code to celebrate the moving of the Roman capital towards the east in Constantinople.
Elevation of the Cross Crossword
4. What happened to the sick woman
5. Bishop of Jerusalem
6. Number of crosses found
8. Mother of the Emperor
9. the Emperor
1. Hill where Jesus was crucified
2. City where her ship landed
3. City where Jesus was crucified
7. Built on site where the cross was found