Home Activities:
- We’ve already met Peter several times; review the stories of Pentecost, of Peter and Cornelius, and of the Council of Jerusalem.
- Color the picture of Peter and Paul; not only does each of these great saints have his own feast day, but they have yet another day together. Place the icon in your icon corner.
- Look through your Bible or storybook and reread the stories of last year when we studied the gospels – the calling of the fishermen (Matthew 4), the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law (Matthew 8), walking on water (Matthew 14), the Transfiguration (Matthew 17), the Last Supper (John 13), the denial (Matthew 26), the Resurrection (Luke 24). Lots of bedtime stories here; your child should know and love Peter by the end of the week.
- Look at pictures of bishops; Peter was the Bishop of Rome.
- Play with your keys; Peter was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven by Jesus Himself.
- Point out crosses and remind your child that Peter died on an upside-down cross.
- “Quo Vadis” would be a great movie to watch with the whole family.
Prayer: Lord, fill me with the same deep love for You that Peter had.
Advent does not actually figure in our curriculum this year. But, this is a wonderful opportunity to review the birth and life of Jesus. Make an advent calendar, decorating it with tiny icons or stickers. Review the entire Old Testament (studied 2 years ago) by decorating a Jesse tree with symbols of Old Testament characters.
How did Peter answer the lame man?