Nativity of Our Lord
Home Activities:
- Put up a sturdy Nativity scene with unbreakable figures in your child’s room and review the identity and story behind each of the figures. No wise men yet!
- Place an icon of the Nativity in a special place in your home.
- Cut out old Christmas cards and make into a booklet, gluing them onto construction paper and held together with yarn or staples.
- Sing the Nativity Troparion
- Make a gift to share a Christmastime with a shut-in.
- Older children, Christmas activity sheet
- Print a copy of our Advent Calendar for each child and color the animals and icon. When Advent starts, begin to color one star for each of the 40 days.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, Thank you for letting me remember your Birthday. Thank you, God for sending Your Son to us. Amen.