Possible Lesson Plan:
Add Samuel to your timeline.
True False
Hannah was given a son by God. Hannah had lots of children.
Hannah’s son was named Samuel. Hannah’s son was named John.
Samuel’s father was Elkanah. Samuel’s father was Eli.
Samuel lived in the temple. Samuel lived in the desert.
Eli was the priest in the temple. Noah was the priest in the temple.
God spoke to Samuel. Samuel hated God.
5. Make Samuel’s Mat:
Take a piece of burlap.
Cut a 12x18-inch section
for each child. Along the
long edge, remove 2-3 short
strands several times, spaced
evenly. Now, give the children
colored yarn and have them
weave in and out of the length-
wise remaining fibers. If they
desire, they can remove one or
two strands from each side, making
fringe. This can be a placemat.
All right -- too hard? Use 12x18 cardstock or construction paper, cutting slits in one direction and weave with strips of paper of a different color. Use Contact paper to waterproof, or spray with clear spray. You can also use foam, large sheets in the same way -- more expensive but don't have to be waterproofed. Kits are sold with the slits and strips already done and ready to assemble.
6. Close with prayer.