Scripture verse: “Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.”
Background on the book:
The letter to the Colossians was also written while Paul was a prisoner in Rome. It is unique in that it was written to a group of believers whom Paul had never even met! Paul had sent Epaphras to Colossae years before (while Paul himself was in Ephesus on his 3rd missionary journey) with the news of the gospel and a church was started. Now Epaphras has come to Rome to tell Paul that the young church is having troubles. But, while in Rome, Epaphras was also imprisoned and Paul had to send his return letter with Tychicus and Onesimus, along with the letter to the Ephesians. Where is Colossae?
Possible Lesson Plan:
In any organization, there must be order. What order does God establish for the family? Who is the head of the family? Who established the pattern for Fatherhood? Is a father an absentee financial supplier? How is a father to order his home? Does a father ever make a mistake? Is a father ever inconsistent? (Students can give examples, if so inclined.) Should a father tell his children to do something he is not willing to do himself? (smoking?, going to church?)
What is the role of the mother in the family? How does she relate to husband? To children? How should children relate to her?
What is the role of the child in the family? What is obedience? Is our
obedience dependant on the “worthiness” of the father? What about the old saying, “Do as I say and not as I do”? Do we obey in these circumstances? Why or why not? What if the father commands us to disobey God? Do we obey?
6. Close with prayer.