Possible Lesson Plan:
Add Joshua to your timeline.
True False
Joshua led the Jewish people. Joshua went back to Egypt.
Joshua conquered the land of Canaan. Joshua was defeated in battle.
The walls of Jericho fell down. Joshua climbed the walls of Jericho.
Ring around the city, Jericho is falling down,
Trumpets in our handies, Falling down, Falling down,
Shout it! Shout it! Jericho is falling down,
The walls fall down! With Joshua’s army.
(Everyone falls down.)
a clean brick. Cut out the stencil
of a house from tagboard or a
manila folder. Have each student
stencil with acrylic paint a house
on the 2 larger sides of the brick.
Cut paper to fit one long side and
write on it Joshua 24: 15b (“as for
me and my house…”). While doing this, review the meaning of the verse. Cut a piece of felt to fit the other long end of the brick. Use as a doorstop.