Possible Lesson Plan:
3. True or False:
True False
Jesus was baptized by John. Jesus was baptized by Mary.
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. The Holy Spirit descended as a snake
The Holy Spirit descended as a dove. God said, “This sure is a wet man.”
John was Jesus’s cousin. Jesus was baptized with sand.
When Thou, O Lord, was baptized in the Jordan,
The worship of the Trinity was made manifest,
For the voice of the Father bare witness to Thee,
And called Thee His beloved Son,
And the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the truthfulness of His word.
O Christ, our God Who has revealed Thyself,
And has enlightened the world, Glory to Thee.
6. Decorate jars to use for Theophany: Each child should have a small glass jar, a tiny icon print to color, and some ribbon or glitter glue to decorate his jar. Bring the jar to church on Theophany for Holy water and use the water for the house blessing.
Decorating the jars as a Sunday School workshop with all of the classes? THen try this Theophany craft for the craft lesson. Make a paper plate baptism. Take a plate and color the bottom blue, top white or light blue. Draw in dove or cut one from the icon print. Cut a slit for the waves. Then decorate one popsicle stick to be Jesus and another John the Baptist OR cut out the figures from the icon and glue THEM to the popsicle sticks. Glue John in place. Slide the Jesus popsicle stick into the slit to "baptize" it in the Jordan.
7. Close with prayer.