Possible lesson plan:
child to take home. Give each child an 18- inch
piece of wax paper. For small children, have
the shapes of the figures already cut out from
colored tissue paper; older children can draw
and cut them themselves. Arrange the figures
on the piece of wax paper. Cover the wax paper
with another piece of wax paper and iron lightly.
Hang in a window for full effect. Of course,
There are hundreds of other possible craft ideas
for Christmas – colored stars with gold glitter,
small paper plates decorated with illustrations
from Christmas cards with a string to hang on
a tree, all manner of crèche scenes with figures
made of clay, pipe cleaners, toilet paper tubes,
Another option: Make little finger puppets to retell the story. Print on cardstock and cut out ahead of time. Let children color them, tape behind to fit the little fingers, and retell the story.
Is Born!” “Glorify Him!”