Possible Lesson Plan:
No one new to add to your timeline, but a good chance to review all the figures hanging from your clothesline.
True False
Joseph was a slave of Potiphar in Egypt. Joseph was taken to China as a slave.
The butler dreamed of grapes and a cup. The butler dreamed of apples.
The baker dreamed of bread and birds. The baker dreamed of apple pies.
The butler was freed by Pharoah. The baker was freed by Pharoah
Pharoah dreamed of fat and thin cows. Pharoah dreamed of fat elephants.
oven-hardening clay. Form a long snake
and a flattened circle and put together
as a ring. Inscribe with child’s name or
a symbol. Put them in the oven as per
directions on the package. While baking,
take some beeswax (Father has old
candles.) and melt it on the hotplate. Write a friendly card to a prisoner.
Use wax and ring to seal the card. Send
to the Orthodox Prison Ministry. Keep the
ring to use at home for cards and letters.