Apostolic Age: St. Peter



Objective: Students should be able to name each of the apostles, his ministry and death, to discuss the importance of the Dormition and the role of the Theotokos in the early Church, the Revelation to John including his admonitions to each of the 7 churches and the Second Coming, and the existence and nature of angels as evidenced by the Scriptures.



Peter as a disciple of Jesus:

Again, use the Scriptures to review the life of St. Peter; have each student read a passage and summarize for the class:

Mark 1:16-18                    Calling as a fisherman

Mark 3:13-19                    Choosing of the twelve/ nickname Peter (the rock)

Matthew 8:14-17              Healing of Peter’s mother-in-law

Matthew 14:22-33            Walking on water

Matthew 16:13-19            Keys to the kingdom

Matthew 17:1-6                Transfiguration

Luke 22:54-62                   Denial

John 21: 1-19                    Feed My Sheep

Acts 2:14-15, 37-41          Pentecost


Peter after Pentecost – what a change!

Now for some new scenes in his life:

Acts 3:1-10                       Healing the Lame Man

Acts 4:1-3, 18-22              Brought before the Sanhedrin

Acts 5:1-10                       Ananias and Sapphira – review this, already read

Acts 5:17-25                     Freed from Prison, Preaching in Temple

Acts 8:9-25                       Samaritan preaching and Pentecost, Simon the Sorcerer

Acts 9:36-43                     Raising of Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead

Acts 10                              Peter and Cornelius – review this, already read

Acts 12:3-17                     Miraculous escape from prison

Acts 15                              Council in Jerusalem – review this, already read


Peter finally traveled to Rome. He was accompanied by John Mark, to whom he told his memories of Jesus. These are recorded in the Gospel of Mark. Peter also wrote at least 2 letters to the Church, known today as I and II Peter. He was the first bishop of Rome and was crucified upside down (because he did not feel worthy to die in the same manner as Jesus) by the Emperor Nero on the same day St. Paul died.

Discussion: Peter was also one of the Lord’s greatest apostles. Work a bit on the words “disciple” and “apostle”. Peter was both – the disciples were the original followers of Jesus who studied and lived with the Lord during His life on earth. So, a disciple is a student, a follower. How many of the original twelve can the students name? One man was chosen to take the place of the one who betrayed Jesus? Who betrayed Jesus? Who took his place? How was Matthias chosen? Read Acts 1:15-26.  “Apostle” is someone sent out by the Lord to establish His Church. So, an apostle is a leader, a teacher. Peter was a disciple who, on Pentecost became an apostle. What happened on Pentecost? What is different about Peter after Pentecost? Now Peter had something to give to the lame man. What do we have to give when someone asks?


Quiz Questions:

  1. Where was it?

Sermon on Pentecost

Sorcerer struck blind

A vision of an angel and a sheet

Lame man healed

Raising of Tabitha (Dorcas)

  1. Name at least 4 occasions where Peter saw Jesus after his resurrection
  2. Name three books of the Bible that Peter was involved in writing.
  3. List 3 occasions when Peter saw an angel.
  4. How did Peter die?