Possible Lesson Plan:
In the first days after Pentecost, the apostles taught the people about Jesus. The people memorized the stories and loved hearing them. So, even while the apostles were still alive, collections of stories about Jesus began to be written down. Peter probably supervised the writing of the gospel of Mark. Luke traveled and talked to many people to learn all about Jesus to write his gospel. And, of course, Matthew and John were with Jesus from the start and wrote what they had personally seen and heard. These books are called the gospels and tell about Jesus. They are the first four books of the New Testament.
Luke also traveled with Paul and wrote a book about the history of the early Church. This is called the book of Acts. The apostles traveled to many cities, starting churches all over the world. When you travel, don’t you send letters or postcards to
those you miss at home or in other towns? So, the apostles wrote letters, or epistles, to others of their churches while they were elsewhere. Most were written in Greek. Paul, Peter, John, James, and Jude all wrote letters. In fact, they wrote a lot more letters than are in the New Testament. Some letters may have been fake or lies. But, from earliest times, certain ones of their letters went from church to church, copy by copy, by foot or donkey or horse or camel. Each copy was made by hand – each hand-carried with love to the next town to share with fellow believers. Even the apostles, in their letters, talked about the letters of the other apostles they had read! These letters were especially precious in the days of persecution, when they had to be hidden carefully from the Romans. In fact, during the reign of Diocletian, the Romans sent spies all over the empire and tried to destroy all Christian writings!
But, by the second century, many of these letters were well-known through the church. Early Christian bishops, Clement and Polycarp and Ignatius (Do you remember the story of Ignatius?), refer to them as being read in the churches. Origen, a great scholar and teacher in Alexandria, had by the year 200 made a list of writings that he considered to be really the work of the apostles. Finally, Constantine became Emperor and Christians were free to read the Scriptures in their churches openly. But, which Scriptures? Constantine gave the great historian Eusebius, who had lived through the persecution of Diocletian, a great order – to produce 50 Bibles. Eusebius carefully studied all the letters and gospels he could find and came up with a list of 27 books for the New Testament, the same 27 books we recognize today. Have you ever heard of the Epistle of Barnabas, or the Gospel of Peter, or the Shepherd of Hermas or the Gospel of Nicodemus? These are all writings rejected by Eusebius, although each was loved in a few cities. Eusebius chose carefully those writings accepted by most of the cities – writings known throughout the early Church to be the true work of an apostle or saint. The first are the gospels (Can you name them?), then the Acts, then lots of epistles (or letters), and finally the Revelation of John (Remember what it was about?). The Council of Carthage in 397 AD formally listed these 27 books as the New Testament.
Try this quiz; students can use their Orthodox Study Bibles for reference:
There are ____ books in the Old Testament.
The Old Testament was originally written in the ________ language.
The Greek version of the Old Testament is called the _____________.
The Book of ____________ contains beautiful poetry.
The _____ Testament was written before Christ was born.
Books of the Old Testament included in the Septuagint but not in the
Hebrew are called the ______________.
There are _____ books in the New Testament.
Most of the New Testament was originally written in the ____ language.
The ________ tell of the life of Jesus.
The book of ________ tells the history of the early Church.
The ________ are letters.
Some of the writers of the Epistles are ____________________.
The Emperor _____________ finally allowed Christians to read the
Scripture legally.
The list of official books in the Bible is called the _____ of Scripture.
_______________ put together the original list of New Testament books.
The Council of __________ decreed the official canon of Scripture.
(to the tune of the verses of “Jesus Loves Me”)
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy,
Joshua, Judges, Ruth God brings,
Kingdoms 1,2,3, and 4,
Two of Chronicles and Ezras two,
Nehemiah,Tobit, Judith
Esther, Maccabees all three,
Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,
Song of Songs and Wisdoms two
Hosea, Amos, Micah, Joel,
Obadiah, Jonah, not all,
Nahum, then comes Habakkuk,
Zephaniah, Haggai,
Zechariah, Malachi
Isaiah, Jeremiah
Baruch and Lamentations, too.
Jeremiah’s Epistle then.
Ezekiel, Daniel, that’s the end,
All of these God’s works foretold
And His promises of old.
(to the tune of the ABCs)
Matthew, Mark and Luke and John,
Acts and Romans, Corinthians 2
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians,
1st and 2nd Thessalonians,
1st and 2nd Timothy,
Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James,
2 of Peter and 3 of John,
Jude and the Revelation.
Now we know the 27 books
Of the New Testament of Christ our Lord.