3. Students should know that Peter died as a martyr, upside down on a cross in Rome.
Possible Lesson Plan:
Mark 1:16-18 Calling as a fisherman
Mark 3:13-19 Choosing of the twelve/ nickname Peter (the rock)
Matthew 14:22-33 Walking on water
Matthew 16:13-19 Keys to the kingdom
Matthew 17:1-6 Transfiguration
Luke 22:54-62 Denial
John 21: 1-19 Feed My Sheep
Acts 2:14-15, 37-41 Pentecost
Now for some new scenes in his life:
Acts 3:1-10 Healing the Lame Man
Acts 4:1-3, 18-22 Brought before the Sanhedrin
Acts 5:17-25 Freed from Prison, Preaching in Temple
Acts 9:36-43 Raising of Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead
Acts 10 Peter and Cornelius – review this, already read
Acts 12:3-17 Miraculous escape from prison
Acts 15 Council in Jerusalem – review this, already read
Peter finally traveled to Rome. He was the first bishop of Rome and was crucified upside down by the Emperor Nero on the same day St. Paul died.
Judas Iscariot Peter Paul Abraham
Thomas Silas David
Andrew Luke Daniel
Are there still apostles in modern times? Watch future lessons for the answer.
Lame Man
Tabitha (Dorcas)
Simon the Tanner
We will make a very small book, with pictures from the life of St. Peter to color inside; can you tell each of these stories? Then fold and enjoy! Pattern is on the next page. Begin by printing the page on white copy paper. Fold down the middle lengthwise and widthwise, then fold again widthwise to make a fold between each picture. Unfold and LOOK. Fold carefully lengthwise and CUT with scissors down the middle line ONLY between the two middle pictures, leaving the paper intact on the ends. Refold, bulging the two middle sections so the blank sides turn back to back, locating the front and back (words and icon of Peter and Paul). Entire booklet should fall into place with eight small pages. Fold firmly.
6. End with prayer: Lord, make me now Your good disciple learner.