Possible Lesson Plan:
I. First Missionary Journey, 45—51 A.D., Acts 13:13—14:28
A. Antioch, first called “Christians”, Paul and Barnabas: Acts 13:1-3
B. Cyprus
1. Salamis, John Mark joins them: Acts 13:4-5
2. Paphos, Elymas the Magician: Acts 13:6-12
C. Perga in Pamphylia, John Mark leaves: Acts 13:13
D. Pisidian Antioch, shook dust off feet: Acts 13:14-16, 42-52
E. Galatia
1. Iconium: Acts 14:1-5
2. Lystra, Timothy’s home, Zeus and Hermes, stoned: Acts 14:6-20
3. Derbe: Acts 14:20-23
F.Antioch: Acts 14:24-28
II. Apostolic Synod in Jerusalem, 50 A.D. – review this
III. Second Missionary Journey, 53-55 A.D., Acts 15:1-18:22
A. Antioch, Barnabas and John Mark went to Cyprus: Acts 15:36-41
B. Cities in Asia Minor already visited, Timothy circumcised: Acts 16:1-4
C. Troas (Troy), dream of Macedonian man, Silas and Timothy: Acts 16:8-10
D. Neapolis: Acts 16:11
E. Philippi, Lydia, slave girl, earthquake and jailer: Acts 16:12-34 (break this up?)
F. Apollonia: Acts 17:1
G. Thessalonica, house of Jason, sent away by night: Acts 17:1-9
H. Berea: Acts 17:10-14
I. Athens, Mars Hill, Unknown God, Dionysius the Areopagite: Acts 17:15-23, 34
J. Corinth, Aquila and Priscilla (tentmakers): Acts 18:1-11
K. Ephesus, brief visit, left Aquila and Priscilla, Apollos: Acts 18:18-21
L. Caesarea in Palestine: Acts 18:22
M. Antioch: Acts 18:22
IV. Third Missionary Journey, 56-59 A.D., Acts 18:23-19
A. Antioch: Acts 18:22-23
B. Ephesus, John’s baptism, silversmiths of Artemis: Acts 18:24-26, 19:11-12, 19:23-36
C. Macedonia and Greece, joined by Luke: Acts 20:1-3
D. Troas, Eutychus: Acts 20:6-12
E. Islands of Mitylene, Chios, Samos, Miletos, Cos. Rhodes, Patara: Acts 20:13-15, 21:1-2
F. Tyre: Acts 21:2-6
G. Caesarea of Palestine, Philip the Evangelist, Agabus: Acts 21:7-14
H. Jerusalem: Acts 21:15-19
V. Fourth Missionary Journey, 59-64 A.D., Acts 22-28
A. Jerusalem, vow of purification, arrest, Sanhedrin, plot: Acts 21:26-33, 22:23-27, 23:12-1
B. Caesarea, Felix and Festus, King Agrippa, appeal to Caesar: Acts 23:23-24, 33-35, 24:27, 25:9-12, 25:22-25
C. Crete, storm: Acts 27:1-8, 18-26, 41-44
D. Malta, snakebite: Acts 28:1-6
E. Rome, 2 years house arrest, Nero’s persecutions: Acts 28:11-16, 30-31
F.Death by beheading
Paul stays with tentmakers. Priscilla and Aquila Corinth
Helper joins Paul and Barnabas. John Mark Salamis
Dream of a Macedonian man. Paul Troas
Two prisoners baptize a jailer. Paul and Silas Philippi
Sermon about an unknown god. Paul Athens