Possible Lesson Plan:
2. Read the second half of the story of the Reformation above.
Add King Henry VIII to your timeline.
True False
Henry VIII was King of England. Henry was King of Jerusalem.
Henry started his own church so he Henry started his own church because
could get rid of his wife. he loved the Lord so much.
Baptists believe you must be all grown Baptists worship John the Baptist.
up to be baptized.
The Churches go marching 4 by 4…Calvin gets rid of all the priests…
Presbyterians go marching down…
The Churches go marching 5 by 5...King Henry gets rid of his Spanish wife…
Episcopalians go marching down…
The Churches go marching 6 by 6…John Wesley studies his Bible more…
Methodists go marching down…
The Churches go marching 7 by 7…Grown-ups only can be baptized…
And the Baptists go marching down…
The Churches go marching 8 by 8…Saturday is the most holy day…
Seventh Day Adventists go marching down…
6. Make a “Broken Body of Jesus Puzzle”: Take the icon of Jesus. Color and glue in the center of a piece of construction paper. Now, carefully cut out the icon part, leaving the border intact. Turn over. Draw 7 puzzle pieces on the back. Label each: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Church of England, Baptist, Methodist, Seventh Day Adventist, Presbyterian. Cut apart carefully. Can you put Jesus broken body back together again?
7. Close with prayer: Lord, make your Church one, just like You are One.