Possible Lesson Plan:
Cyril was born in Alexandria in Egypt nearly 400 years after the time of Jesus. (Do you remember any other things that happened in Egypt? Joseph, Moses, etc.) His uncle was bishop of Alexandria. Cyril was not really a very nice boy – he like to fight and argue, even with his friends. But he loved the Lord and tried to serve God all his life.
When Cyril grew up, he became bishop, or “patriarch”, of Alexandria. The bishops of the five largest churches were often called patriarchs. Can you name these big cities of the ancient world? Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. Can you say the word, “patriarch”?
There was, at the same time, in Antioch, a bishop named Nestorius who came up with a very upsetting new teaching. He decided that Mary could not really be the mother of God but only the mother of Christ, the man. Again, someone was trying to split Jesus up into two people, God and man. Who else had a false teaching along the same lines? (Arius) We call Mary “Theotokos”, meaning “mother of God”. But Nestorius wanted to call her “Christotokos” instead. The emperor called another big council of bishops, this time in the city of Ephesus. Cyril argued for Mary to be called “Theotokos” and Nestorius argued for “Christotokos”. But, after Cyril’s explanation, Nestorius agreed that Mary should be called “Theotokos”, as she is to this day. Can you say the word? Do you know what it means? Because of the faith of St. Cyril of Alexandria, we call Mary “Theotokos” and honor her as the mother of God.
Add St. Cyril to your timeline.
True False
Cyril was bishop of Alexandria. Cyril was bishop of Constantinople.
Cyril believed Mary was Theotokos. Nestorius believed that Mary was Theotokos
Nestorius believed Mary was Christotokos. Cyril believed Mary was Christotokos.
Theotokos means “mother of God”. Theotokos means some old lady.
Alternate craft idea; Print the "Mary Teller, color the corners, fold, and enjoy.
How to make a “Mary Teller”