- Children should be able to tell the story of Peter and his vision.
- Children should know the meaning of the words “Jew” and “Gentile”.
- Children should know that Jesus loves all people.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Read the story in the Golden Children’s Bible, pages 470-471. Discuss the meaning of the word, “Jew”, and say it a few times. Remind the children about the story of Abraham (or reread it) and how God chose this people. For what purpose? To prepare for Jesus, the Messiah. The Jewish people called all other people “Gentiles” and did not associate with them. Can the children recall any instances when Jesus did talk to a non-Jew, or even perform a miracle? (the Samaritan woman at the well, the Roman centurion’s servant) . Remind them also (or reread) that God gave a strict law to Moses that included which animals were “clean” and which “unclean”. “Unclean” animals were not allowed to be eaten, just as we do not eat meat during Great Lent. Review the definition of clean: animals that have divided hooves and chew cud and sea creatures with fins and scales. Look at pictures of animals to see the hooves and fins and scales; bring pictures of animals (or a book from the library) to class as a reference for the next activity.
Add St. Peter to your timeline.
- True/False questions:
This time have the students choose from those below clean and unclean and look at pictures and discuss their eating habits to make your decision. You could use stickers and a sheet of construction paper divided into two columns; let the students put the correct side of the paper.
Clean Unclean
Cow Pig
Lamb Rabbit
Goat Dog
Salmon Shrimp
Bluefish Oyster
- Remind the children that Jesus loves all people, everywhere, and commands us to do the same. None of God’s children is “unclean”. Bring pictures of children of other lands with dress, skin color, customs different from ours. Sing “Jesus loves the Little Children” several times.
- 5. Make Peter’s dream on a sheet: Take a handkerchief or other piece of white fabric or a piece of a sheet. Glue to it stickers of “unclean” animals or even animal crackers. Tie a string to each corner so it can be raised and lowered as you retell the story. No sheet? How about a coffee filter, using pipe cleaners for the corners? Or even a paper plate…
6. Close with prayer: Lord help me to love everyone this week with Your love.