- Who was Saul?
- What was Saul doing at Stephen’s stoning?
- How did Saul meet Jesus?
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Read the story in the Beginner’s Bible pp. 488-493, the CBR pp. 272-276 or Read with Me Bible, pages 415-421, and/or the Golden Children’s Bible, pages 467-469. Repeat the names “Saul” and “Ananias” with the children.
Add the conversion of Saul to your timeline.

- True/False Questions:
True False
Saul held the coats of the stoners of Stephen. Saul always loved Jesus.
Saul was struck blind. Saul was crucified.
Jesus spoke to Saul on the road to Damascus. Jesus spoke to Saul in Galilee.
Ananias healed the eyes of Saul. Peter healed Saul’s eyes.
- See what it’s like to be blind: In a pillowcase, put various objects of different textures and shapes. Blindfold the children and see how many they can identify. Fill various small bottles with smelly objects (banana, cinnamon, garlic, pickle, peanut butter, onion, etc.) See if the blindfolded children can identify the things by smell alone.

- Make a Picture Projector. Take a paper towel tube. Cut off about 1 inch at one end. Tape two Popsicle sticks side by side to hold the two pieces of tube together, leaving a ¼ inch slit between the tubes. Take a long, thin strip of paper divided comic-strip style into 4-5 sections. In each section, draw a scene from the story. Insert the paper “film” into the “projector”, hold it up to the light, and tell the story with your pictures. Not enough time to draw the story? Use the prepared "film".

- Close with prayer: Lord, may I keep my eyes open to all that You do in my life.