- Students should be able to tell the story of the Prodigal Son.
- Students should know that God’s nature is to forgive.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Scripture Reference: Luke 15:11-32. Where did the son go? What did he do with his money? Did the spending of money, rich food, parties – did these make him happy and fulfilled? Where did he end up, doing what? Why did he go back to his father? What did he say? What did his father say? How does this apply to our lives? How do we use our money, our talents – all of the things given to us by our heavenly Father? We are made to dwell in His house. Are we happy and fulfilled when living far away from the God who made us in His image?
- Discussion: Let’s look a bit at the older brother. He stayed at home, obedient. He had the fulfilling life, in the love of his family. Where was he when the younger brother returned? What did he hear as he approached the house? How did he feel about all the celebration? Why? What did the father do when the older brother wouldn’t come to the party? What did the father say? How did the brother respond? Read another parable in Matthew 20:1-15. Every year at Pascha we hear St. John Chrysostom’s sermon about this parable. Compare the older brother with the first workers. Why do we feel slighted when the Lord is generous and forgiving to someone else?
- Play a learning game: Word Jumble. Give each student a pad and pencil. Have your chalkboard or large tablet ready. Ask the question and then write the scrambled answer on the board. Give the students 30-60 seconds to write their answer on their tablet and go on to the next question:
(1) I was supposed to be given away when the THENECIARNI
father died. What am I?
(2) I left my family to go to the city. Who am I? GRAPOLID SNO
(3) I am a shortage of food. What am I? MEFNIA
(4) I gave the prodigal son a job. Who am I? GPI NOREW
(5) I was given to the prodigal son when he GIRN
returned. What am I?
(6) I forgave the prodigal son. Who am I? SHE TREAFH
(7) I did not waste my inheritance. Who am I? DOREL OSN
(8) I was called on to prepare a feast. Who am I? NEVSTAR
Make a Piggy Bank: Take a gallon milk or juice plastic container. Turn it on its side so the handle is on top. Glue eyes just below the handle on both sides, 4 corks or bottle tops for feet, pink felt ears, and paper circles for spots all over the pig’s body. Twist a pipe-cleaner into a tail and poke it into the plastic behind. Draw on a mouth. Finally, cut a slit in the top for coins. All during Great Lent, we will each collect coins at home (from the sofa cushions, off the floor, by doing chores, etc.) and will bring them in to class to put in the class Piggy Bank to give to the IOCC at Pascha.
- Add to your time line as usual. Can you incorporate the pigs in some creative way?
- Close with prayer. Can you sing: I shall arise and go unto my Father and shall say unto him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee and am no more worthy to be called thy son.” In a round?