DAVID (to Goliath)
- Children should know the story of David – his anointing, his shepherd childhood, and the story of David and Goliath.
Children should identify David as the author of many of the Psalms.
- Children should begin to memorize the 23rd Psalm.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Read the story of the childhood of David in the Beginner’s Bible, pages 169-180, the Children’s Bible Reader, pages 126-128, First Bible 86-92, or the Read with Me Bible 173-185. If you use the Read with Me Bible, be sure to discuss the fact that David wrote Psalms, songs to the Lord, and played the harp. The Psalms are in the Beginner’s Bible 190-193, Children’s Bible Reader 132-135 or the Read with Me Bible 218-221.
Add David to your timeline.

- Feed the Elephant True/False questions:
True False
David was the son of Jesse. David was the son of Saul.
David was a shepherd. David was a fisherman.
David killed Goliath with a sling. David killed Goliath with a spear.
David played the harp. David hated music.
David wrote Psalms to God. David didn’t know God at all.
4. Make a paper plate sheep:
- Draw eyes and mouth on small paper plate.
- Glue on ears and nose made of black construction paper.
- Staple small plate on edge of large plate.

- Decorate both plates with scattered cotton balls.
5. Alternate craft idea: Whack Goliath in the head!
- Cut out picture of Goliath, color it, and tape to small cup
- Write: “The battle is the Lord’s” on the back of the cup with Sharpie.
- Tape a cotton ball to one end of string (wrapping it around and around with the tape), about 18 inches long and the other end of the string to the bottom of the cup.
- Play the game by trying to hit Goliath in the head with the cotton ball.

- Harder? Land the cotton ball inside the cup behind the head!
6. Close with prayer.