Students should be able to tell the story of Lazarus in their own words.
- Students should know the names of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Scripture Reference: John 11. Where was Jesus when Lazarus became sick? Who were the sisters of Lazarus? How was Lazarus by the time Jesus came? What did Jesus do? Why did Jesus cry? What happened to Lazarus after Jesus prayed? Review the story with the icon, identifying Jesus, Lazarus, Peter, and the sister.
- Discussion: Was this the first person Jesus raised from the dead? (No, the son of the widow of Nain and the daughter of Jairus, but both had just died; they had not been dead for 4 days) Why is the 4 days important; why did Lazarus “already smell”? (The 4 days show true corruption, the rottenness inside us all, defeated by Jesus in the tomb, since He alone is without corruption or sin) Who did Jesus say that He was to Martha? (I am the resurrection…) What’s the shortest verse in the Bible? (piece of trivia, “Jesus wept.”) Why did Jesus weep? (because God truly cares, He is the Lover of Mankind)
- Play a learning game: The Big Step. Players line up along one wall. The opposite wall is the finish line. Teacher asks each player a question about today’s lesson in turn. If the player gives the correct answer, he can advance one giant step toward the goal. If not, next player gets a chance with the same question. First player to the opposite wall is the winner.
- Make the Holy Cross News: Take a newspaper. Have the students cut out words to form the headline they would write if they were reporting on the miraculous event of Lazarus’s resurrection. Glue the words onto a piece of paper and roll into a scroll, tying with a ribbon.
- Another Craft option: Jesus tells Mary and Martha here that He is the Resurrection and the Life. Make an "I am" wheel with many of Jesus's statements about Himself. Print the templates on cardstock, or on regular paper and glue to paper plates, color, cut out the one section, and use a brad to put the colored crosses over the names. Spin to see the names of our Lord.
- Begin your Lenten Journey Calendar, printing on cardstock for each student. This was adapted for Orthodoxy from the Catholic Icing Website. Mark off or color in the days already past and take home to continue to count down to Holy Week and Pascha.

- Close with prayer.